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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
An 8 page paper which relates feminist theory to sports, and how this reflects contemporary British society. Specifically considered is feminism in relation to sports, how leisure theory developed from a male perspective, and inequalities in terms of participation (between gender), income and employment, power, positions of management and administration. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
A 5 page overview of the importance of female participation in sports such as basketball and in the importance of this participation receiving an equal media coverage and emphasis as does male participation in sports. Correlates female participation in sports with lowered teen pregnancy, higher academic success, and less gang participation. Bibliography lists six sources.
This 10 page paper examines the various obstacles faced by female athletes, with particular emphasis on the relationship between physical fitness and self-esteem. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A 4 page paper. Everyone knows who Babe Ruth was but far fewer people know who Babe Didrikson Zaharias. One reason for this discrepancy in notoriety is news coverage. Women's athletic and sports programs have not received the same level of funding or the same degree of publicity. This essay discusses these discrepancies, comments on Title IX and cites research that illustrates the benefits of sports programs and athletics for girls and women. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This is a 3 page paper which provides an argument for allowing girls and boys to play on the same team. The bibliography has 2 sources.
A paper which looks at gender constructs in sport, with specific reference to masculinities and femininities in football cheerleading squads. Bibliography lists 1 source
A 4 page paper which examines how and why men are more qualified for particular sports than women. No sources cited.
A 15 page research paper that examines this topic. While there are similarities between these elements for male and female athletes, it is also true that for women, there are obstacles to motivation and confidence that stem from social and cultural beliefs. Due to this fact, the writer first begins with an examination of historical background on women's sports, but then quickly proceeds to discussing current studies that address motivation and success. Topics also addressed include women in coaching and successful women athletes. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
6 pages in length. Directly correlated with the extent to which women over forty choose to participate in swimming is how active they were in this or other sports throughout their lives; one who has engaged in swimming or some other physical activity either consistently or in phases is much more likely to undertake swimming after forty than one who has had little experience with that or any other sport. The writer discusses other issues pertaining to female swimmers over 40 including gender limitations, discrimination and mass media agenda setting. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
13 pages in length. The twenty-first century has witnessed myriad changes to the sport of soccer, not the least of which has been the addition of women's teams. Amidst the struggle and strife rose a special strength that helped propel soccer to the heights it has reached in contemporary global athletics; with the entire world rallying around this original form of football, the World Cup has taken on an entirely new look by adding women to its long and illustrious history. Bibliography lists 16 sources.