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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
5 pages in length. The writer discusses the following ten issues as they pertain to educational administration: Teacher Liability; Teacher Evaluation (Improvement Plan); Arizona Public Charter Schools; Conditions of employment for teachers in Arizona; Textbook Adoption Procedure; Sexual Harassment; Executive Session; Open Meeting; Reasonable Suspicion; and Probable Cause. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A 3 page research paper that discusses the implementation of contemporary pedagogical concepts regarding supervision instruction and teacher evaluation in a small rural high school. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 15 page paper providing the Introduction, Study of the Problem and Outcomes and Evaluation chapters of a proposal for action research in a junior high school. The purpose of the research is to discover the state of classroom disruptions that teachers deal with and their responses to those disruptions, followed by implementation of a school-wide classroom management program designed to decrease students’ disruptive behavior. The goal of the action research is not only to improve the classroom environment, but also to reduce teachers’ stress; improve teachers’ effectiveness; improve student achievement; and improve student morale. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
An 8 page paper that begins by describing the unit that is to be taught. Six lesson plans are provided, the first is an introduction to the five senses, each subsequent plan focuses on one of the five senses. Each lesson plan includes subject, objectives, materials, procedures and evaluation. A list of teacher preparation and instructional resources is offered at the end. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A 4 page essay describing an observation of a high school literature classroom with particular emphasis on classroom management techniques used by the teacher. Research in this area suggests there are numerous things a teacher can do to prevent major behavior problems from occurring, such as enforcing the rules. This teacher demonstrated knowledge and skills in averting potential problems. The writer describes what the teacher did in her classroom in terms of prevention and correction. No bibliography.