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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 5 page paper that begins with definitions and a discussion of the natures of these two entities. The paper then discusses poverty and how it is defined and persistent poverty. The writer comments on the challenges of providing public health services to rural areas. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
An 8 page paper. Does globalization reduce poverty? That is the major question addressed. The writer explains the difference between supranational and subnational and how these governing schemas are changing. The paper cites authors who assert that the actual poverty rates cannot be determined because of differences in definitions and in calculations. The writer also comments on the differences between regions in a nation using India and China as examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 17 page paper is based on a Harvard Business School case study provided by the student. ITC have developed the eChoupal initiative, a system aimed at improving efficiency and value within the supply chain in a rural area of India. The paper looks at four issues; we objectives behind the initiative and the problems which were faced, the principles of supply chain management which present in the initiative, the ways in which value is created and whether or not the model of the eChoupal is transferable. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
7 pages. This paper will analyze the tensions within India's democracy with respect to the challenges of leadership, nationalism, economic development, regional issues and poverty. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
5 pages in length. Through the eyes of author Dominique Lapierre, the reader is offered a detailed glimpse into the heart and soul of Calcutta, India, inclusive of the poverty that imperils its people, as well as the intrinsic celebration of life that these impoverished people uphold. The writer discusses the social importance of Lapierre’s book as it relates to its main message. No additional sources cited.