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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
8 pages in length. From the time of Benjamin Franklin, electricity has been a critical component to virtually every entity of human existence. From worldwide communications systems, space vehicles, computers, microwave ovens, washing and sewing machines, transportation vehicles, and manufacturing processes, Franklin's discovery established an entirely different world in which to live. Contemporary use of electricity has rendered the need for specialized training so that electrical engineers are capable of focusing their trade upon myriad fields that have developed throughout the twentieth century. Indeed, the common duties of modern-day electrical engineers are both vast and unlimited with regard to the way today's society utilizes electricity. The writer discusses the duties of an electrical engineer as they relate to military computer systems. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A 3 page answer to 2 questions: (1) Indicate recent trends and future challenges of these fields: Novel RF Concepts; Ultra High Frequency Integrated Multi-Antenna Wireless Systems; and Fundamentals of Communication Circuits and Systems; and (2) Application of Meso-optics in Photonics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 2 page paper discussing the true meaning of "genetic engineering" as it applies to food. Genetic engineering is more threatening in its name than in its purpose. It is the precise and predictable altering of plants to achieve specific characteristics, the same goal of plant breeding for specific traits. Environmentalist groups complain of the possibilities inherent in genetic engineering, but they often fail to understand the true goals of the practice. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
In 5 pages, the author discusses the professional engineer, and a Web site of a professional engineering society, the National Society for Professional Engineers. (NSPE). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 4 page paper provides an overview of this issue. Illumination and sound engineering are two seemingly different conceptual and structural areas that are often interconnected. In recent years, for example, efforts to reduce energy consumption and to create more effective illumination and sound production devices have determined major shifts in illumination and sound engineering. In assessing these, it is necessary to consider major changes that have occurred in recent years and the central principles related to these types of engineering. Bibliography lists 5 sources.