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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 8 page paper considers the difficulties with planning permission in Ireland and how this impacts on the development of wind farms in a country that is failing to develop sufficient sustainable energy resources. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
An 8 page consideration of the factors that enter into wound care. The author reviews the literature for approaches to wound care. The emphasis is made that appropriate wound care is not only specific to the type of wound but to the patient themselves. The nurse's careful interaction with the patient is critical in determining their needs and an address for those needs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A 6 page research paper that discusses wound care. Identifying what dressing is most appropriate in wound care is a difficult and challenging proposition as there are currently over a 1,000 wound care products and interventions, with more appearing every day (Callianno, 2003). However, there are specific guidelines for wound management for each type of wound (Watret and McFarland, 2004; Callianno, 2003. For example, management of burn wounds necessitates a special protocol as the burn patient is particularly susceptible to microbial infections (Parikh, et al, 2005). This examination of wound dressings options specifically focuses on the management of chronic wounds and whether the standard of protocol of wet-to-dry dressings constitute the best practice standard. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
This 3 page paper discusses the differences between farming and large agribusiness. Examples are given which show the detrimental effect that agribusiness has had on rural farming communities. Pre-WWII farming is compared/contrasted to post-WWII farming practices. Loads of quotes from Wendell Berry's book, Another Turn of the Crank.
A 4 page paper that demonstrates offshore outsourcing is bad for America. The writer reports data regarding jobs lost and jobs being lost, even among white-collar workers. The writer explains the meaning of outsourcing and offshoring. Bibliography lists 3 sources.