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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 10 page paper discussing considerations for choosing a mutual fund. By their very nature, most mutual funds supply a reliable method of market investment: the fund is comprised of several stocks of diverse economic sectors and therefore is not as sensitive to market and industry fluctuations as are individual stocks. Of mutual funds, growth, income and the combination growth/income are the most common. The combination of growth and income is one of the most common and one of the most desirable—active income is reinvested to purchase more shares of the fund; growth increases the fund shares' value over time, and the balance of investment holdings within the fund provides the greatest possible return with the least amount of risk. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
This 3 page paper is basic research about mutual funds. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
In 5 pages, the author discusses selecting the most lucrative mutual funds to insure financial stability. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
This 5 page paper looks at mutual funds, their regulation, structure and development and market size comparing the UK with the US and Canada. The paper cites 7 sources.
A 6 page paper evaluating the long-term performance of this mutual fund. Investing in major drug firms, health service organizations (i.e., HMOs) and medical equipment manufacturers and distributors, this fund shows promise for continued growth regardless of whatever level of volatility exists in the stock market at any given time. This fund consistently has been rated in the top ten performing mutual funds since 1986, not only overall but in all categories of one, three, five and ten years, averaging more than 26 percent return annually for five years. The paper concludes that this fund is a wise choice if the investor is seeking a proven fund with the objective of long-term growth. Bibliography lists 7 sources.