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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 6 page report discusses the interaction between alfalfa crops and a common weed. The weed chosen for examination is Barbarea vulgaris, most commonly known as 'yellow rocket.' Yellow rocket is usually biennial or perennial with some plants flowering, setting seed and dying after their first growing season; reproducing only by seed but the seeds are notable for their ability to germinate with minimal soil requirements. Yellow rocket and other weeds reduce alfalfa production during establishment by competing with and choking out young alfalfa seedlings, invade established alfalfa fields, and reducing forage quality and yield. Several aspects of intervention and eradication are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 5 page research paper on legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 9 page paper argues that the use of marijuana should be legalized for use in treating certain medical conditions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
This 6 page paper argues that New York State should legalize physician assisted suicide for those who are terminally ill. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
This 7 page paper discusses reasons for opposition to physician assisted suicide or other legalized forms of euthanasia. Bibliography lists 20 sources.