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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
7 pages in length. Canada's multiracial community, which includes Black, Hispanic, Asian and Aborigines populations, is subject to a significant amount of stereotypical abuse at the hands of contemporary media. Clearly, the racial bias that exists within the media – particular in television but also clearly apparent in music, advertisements and all other entities – is not necessarily created by the media as a negative influence but is actually perpetuated from a basis of social reality. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A 5 page research paper that discusses the effects on behavior generated by exposure to violence in the media, with a particular emphasis on the negative effects of video games. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 8 page paper examines the proposition that illegal immigration has a negative effect on the U.S. economy. It argues that while this population segment has a negative effect in some areas, particularly California, overall the illegal immigrant population has a small positive effect on the economy as a whole. The idea was to argue that illegal immigration’s effect is negative but the evidence does not support that conclusion. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
This 5 page paper contends that crime reporting by media is a good thing, even though it creates some negative results. Several topics are discussed including the mean world syndrome, copycat crime and the effects of the Amber Alert and parental pleas in kidnapping cases. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A two page paper presenting a short, succinct argument against legalizing drugs. The paper argues that we simply do not know enough about the long-term physical effects of drug use, but we already have a great deal of negative evidence about their social effects. Bibliography lists three sources.