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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 4 page research paper/essay that offers advice to a nursing student on how to write a personal reflection paper that discusses the student’s ethics and values. In order to do this, the writer employs tutorial language that draws on specific examples of nursing integrity and values in action from nursing literature. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 25 page paper providing methodology and proposal sections of a larger paper addressing airport customer service. The methodology section discusses the nature of action research at length and includes brief discussions of the case study and survey methods of qualitative research that will be employed as well. The proposal section fully describes 4 iterations of the action research project. Includes a table and 3 diagrams. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
A 12 page comprehensive explanation and discussion of action research. Paper includes the historical origins of action research, what it is, and the cycles/phases involved. The essay then explains quantitative and qualitative research designs and the difference between them. The last section discusses interviewing techniques. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A 27 page paper combining personal reflection on nursing practice with a literature review and analysis of research to formulate a method of putting research into practice. Even though reminiscence therapy gains mixed reports in formal research efforts, its benefits appear to be clear. Nurses using reminiscence therapy are not encouraging their patients to retreat into the past and therefore cease living in the present, but rather facilitating their patients’ ability to complete their life reviews and to gain a measure of satisfaction from the cumulative effect of the events of their lives. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
A 6 page paper discussing the need to link experience and reflection in achieving practical competence. Formal training provides the technical knowledge needed to provide competent care in the psychiatric setting, but formal training also can be seen as only the beginning point of building competence. Experience and reflection on that experience are critical factors. Training allows the new nurse to provide technically competent care, but full competence and greatest effectiveness emerges only when the nurse is able to combine experience and reflection on that experience with basic and ongoing training. Bibliography lists 10 sources.