Research Paper On Negative Effects Of Television

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Kids and the Influence of TV

    A 6 page research paper that examines the influence that television has on children. The writer focuses particularly on the negative effects of television violence and stresses that parental involvement is needed to mitigate and control television viewing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Argument: Illegal Immigration Has a Negative Effect on the U.S. Economy

    This 8 page paper examines the proposition that illegal immigration has a negative effect on the U.S. economy. It argues that while this population segment has a negative effect in some areas, particularly California, overall the illegal immigrant population has a small positive effect on the economy as a whole. The idea was to argue that illegal immigration’s effect is negative but the evidence does not support that conclusion. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Working Parents and the Impact on Children

    This 5 page research paper discuses the controversy regarding the effects of having children in day care as opposed to having the child being cared for by a parent. Some researchers believe there is a negative effect, some do not think there is a negative effect. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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