• Recent Papers

    • Guinea Worm, Eradication Program

      This paper describes the Guinea Worm Eradication Program, which was implemented by the Carter Center. This campaign has had remarkable success and is close to completely eradicating the disease. Three pages in length, three sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Public Leaders

      This essay describes and discusses four leadership styles that could be used in private or public settings. The behaviors of leaders using each style are explained. The paper reports which leadership style would be useful for public administrators. The essay also discusses organizational culture and its relationship with the leader. The emphasis is on public administration. There are seventeen sources used in this seventeen page paper. ... MORE

    • The Need for Laws to Protect the Obese

      There is no specific law that clearly identifies obesity as a protected class of people under anti-discrimination laws. Like age discrimination, we need a weight discrimination law. The reasons are because obesity has so many diverse causes, more and more research suggests that it is a medical problem and not the fault of the obese person. The paper discuses laws, employment conditions, and provide an example of a successful politician who is obese. There are six sources used in this ten page paper. ... MORE

    • Personality Tests

      This paper discusses different personality assessments: it comments on how personality assessments and theories are influenced by the lack of a definition for personality. The paper discuses the MMPI and the NEO and how tests are used at work. There are four sources used in this three page paper ... MORE

    • Overview of Child Abuse

      This paper describes the effects of child abuse on child development and also the problems that is causes in later life for the adults survivors of child abuse. Four pages in length, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

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