• Recent Papers

    • Mandatory Overtime, An Issue that Endangers Patients

      This essay gives an overview of why mandatory overtime for nursing staff is a significant issue that as the potential to harm patients, as well as nurses. Four pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Poems on Sexuality, Blog Posts and Responses

      This paper offers two blog posts. One on "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and the other on "Sex without Love" by Sharon Olds. The writer then offers responses to the posts made by other students. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Congestive Heart Failure Case Study

      This 3 page case study offers an overview of congestive heart failure case and describes an approach to care, treatment plan and educational intervention that is appropriate both to the patient, Mr. P., and his wife. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • How Do You Learn Best

      Learning styles have been researched and studied for decades. Do you know what your own learning style is? If you are a teacher, you will tend to instruct your class based on your own learning style. This means if you present material visually, students who learn through their auditory channel will not learn much. This essay discusses several issues related to learning styles beginning with the writer's own style and how most of K-12 education was presented in a different style. Other topics include the importance of knowing your students' learning styles, how to assess them, how to overcome obstacles, and examples for incorporating three styles in a lesson. There are two sources listed in the bibliography of this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Impact on Those Who Play Computer Games

      There has been a debate about the impact of action and violent video and computer games on those who play them. This especially pertains to youth. Some argue these games will lead the user to commit criminal acts, other argue they will not. Finally, there are empirical research studies that demonstrate there are numerous positive cognitive and perceptual effects for those who play the games. There are three sources used in this four page paper.a ... MORE

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