• Recent Papers

    • Research Issues

      The paper discusses a number of topic related to research. These include information about surveys, interviews, sampling, sample size and survey results. There is one source used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Abuse Cases, Elder and Child Abuse

      This paper first describes 2 cases of abuse, one that pertains to elder abuse and the other to child sexual abuse. Then, the writer discusses the impact that abuse has on the lives of victims. Three pass in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Impact of Violenet Video Games

      There has been a controversy and debate about the effects of video games on children for a long time. This paper provides an overview of the research, which typically finds there is a negative impact for children who play violent video games. There are also some positive effects, which are also identified. There are five sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Leadership Theory and Application

      The paper is written in three separate sections. The first section identifies modern commercial leaders and looks at the way leadership theory may apply to their practice. The second section is the application of theory to a case study, identifying and presenting a solution to a leadership problem. The last section is a proposal for the student to develop their own leadership skills. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this nineteen page paper. ... MORE

    • Major Depressive Disorder, An Overview

      This paper presents a comprehensive overview pertaining to this disorder. Fourteen pages in length, twenty-five sources are cited. ... MORE

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