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5 pages. Many times, abuse of the elderly is fraught at the hands of overstressed nursing home staffs that have too much work in a facility that does not have enough employees to get the work done. This is no excuse for abuse of the elderly; it is just an unfortunate fact in today's nursing home situation.Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 10 page research paper that offers an overview of the topic of neglect and abuse of elderly patients in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, such as assisted living homes. This also includes issues relating to nursing care of the elderly, as influenced by the nursing theory of Dorothea Orem. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
5 pages in length. In today's world of nursing home care, the level of abuse and neglect has reached an all-time high. The commonality of such unacceptable treatment has called for myriad legal intervention as a means by which to re-evaluate health reform; however, such inhumane activity continues in spite of these measures. The most frustrating aspect of nursing home care is the fact that the patients themselves are often incapable of reporting such treatment, rendering them victims in the ongoing breakdown of America's health care system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Most people are aware that there are laws that exist to protect children and animals from abuse. Many are not aware that there are laws that protect adults such as the elderly and disabled. Few people are aware of the magnitude of the problem or the consequences. Elder abuse affects all the systems that the individual is a part of, from the individual level to family, friends, social institutions, care providers, government agencies and American societal norms. The America belief system includes a responsibility to protect those who are not able to care for themselves. This 8 page paper examines the issues of elder abuse and the means that are in place to protect vulnerable adults. Bibliography lists 8 sources.