• Recent Papers

    • Impact of Violenet Video Games

      There has been a controversy and debate about the effects of video games on children for a long time. This paper provides an overview of the research, which typically finds there is a negative impact for children who play violent video games. There are also some positive effects, which are also identified. There are five sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Lone Star College System, Financial Aid Policy

      This research paper describes the Lone Star College System and its policy in terms of compliance with current trends in community college education, with a focus on financial aid. Five pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Out-of-School Program with JAG

      The school dropout rate has been declining but there are still more than a million people dropping out every year. This paper provides a report and analysis of one program that has been effective in helping students earn a high school diploma. It is a unique, multi-faceted program called Out-of-School Program under the Jobs for America's Graduates organization. The program is comprehensively explained. The report includes statistical data, two tables, appendices, and a table of contents. There are twelve sources used in this twelve page paper ... MORE

    • Language and Handedness

      This research paper pertains to various aspects of handedness and language development, as well as what research relates about the pros and cons of being left-handed. Eight pages in length, seven sources are listed. ... MORE

    • Nursing Taxonomy, Orem, Watson and Personal

      This paper begins by discusses the taxonomy of both Watson and Orem's theories and then draws on these theories to relate a personal taxonomy. Seven pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

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