• Recent Papers

    • Effect of Slavery on US, Medieval European Economies

      This paper pertains to the relationship between economics and slavery in the American South and also in medieval Europe. Eight pages in length, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Theme for English By Langston Hughes

      This essay analyzes the meaning of Langston Hughes' poem "Theme for English B." Three pages n length, two sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Business Issues in sub-Saharan Africa

      Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the poorest countries in the world. They also have some of the most corrupt politicians and businessmen. This has a direct effect on businesses. This paper discusses several issues including the corruption, stakeholder activism, the gap between financing male-owned vs. female-owned businesses, and why it is important to understand these issues when financing a small business. There are five sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Five Themes for Increasing Performance

      Management was first studied during the early years of the industrial revolution. Theories and practices have changed dramatically since then. What has not changed is the continual search for ways to increase a company's performance. For that to happen, employees must perform at higher levels. This essay reacts to and reflects on an article entitled, "Creating High Performances Workplaces" by Martin Staubus who describes five themes related to performance. There is one sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Diagnosing ADD/Case Study

      This paper provides a comprehensive discussion of a hypothetical case study, which features a child diagnosed with ADD. DSM5 diagnostic criteria, interventions and treatment options are discussed. Nine pages in length, twelve sources are cited. ... MORE

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