• Recent Papers


      Focuses on economic and financial issues including market structure, supply and demand and fiscal and monetary policies. Also included are calculations concerning ratios, time value of money, and net present value. There are 8 sources listed in the bibliography of this 11-page paper. ... MORE


      Offers an example of a summary budget, and explanation, for a fictitious financial literacy program. There are 2 sources listed in the bibliography of this 3-page paper. ... MORE

    • The Use of ICT in Corporations

      One of the operations that we know gives a company a competitive advantage is a well-managed supply chain. Along the lines of corporate success is also the implementation of information and communications technology, in fact, companies cannot succeed today without it. This paper discusses ICT in terms of supply chain management. The essay represents part of a research study about the cement industry in Africa and whether or not ICT improves it. There are eight sources used in this 15 page paper. ... MORE

    • The Effects of Cyber Bullying on Adolescents

      This research paper addresses the topic of cyber bullying as an issue that negatively affects the health of adolescents. Ten pages in length, three years of which are an annotated bibliography, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Comparing Two Business Structures

      The paper compares and contrasts two forms of business structure, the partnership structure and the corporation. The potential benefits and the drawbacks of each structures are reviewed. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this three page paper, ... MORE

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