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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 5 page paper. The questions posed are: Should accountants become more proactive in environmental issues? and Should auditors become more proactive in environmental issues beyond reporting? And, if so, what role should either play? The writer discuses the primary role of fiscal auditors and responds to the question. The writer then illustrates what steps accountants might take to be more proactively involved. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 3 page paper provides an examination of why water purification is an important environmental issue. This paper highlights the many environmental problems which are a result of this issue, as well as information about possible solutions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
An 11 page paper. The proposal is to construct a road in a remote area in Latin America. This essay discusses environmental issues related to the project, including an initial simple assessment of ecological, economic and social impacts. The paper discusses both the negative and positive environmental, social and economic consequence of the project. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Three Studies on Consumer Behavior: Green Buying: A seven-page paper comparing three research articles on consumer behavior. In particular, the three articles deal with 'green buying,' and detail the techniques used to increase consumer awareness of environmental issues, differences in environmental awareness between various groups, and how that awareness translates into consumer purchasing action. Lists three sources. 99buygr.wps