• Recent Papers

    • Dialysis and Quality of Life/A PICO Question

      This research paper describes the process of formulating a PICO question that pertains to hemodialysis patients and their quality of life. Six pages in length, which includes a one page abstract, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • What Causes Birth Defects

      A teratogen is a substance that can cause birth defects/congenital abnormalities. It could also related to the pregnant woman being exposed to something, like rubella. Some of teratogens are identified and discussed. The second part of the paper discusses: how do heredity and early experiences influence brain organization. There are five sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Howard Schultz Power and Influence

      The power and influence of Howard Schultz, CEO, Starbucks. The essay discusses who has power and influence over Schultz and who he has power over. Examples are given. The second section discusses what emotional intelligence is and how it relates to leadership and culture. There are seven sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Title IX Violations Colleges

      Sexual harassment is covered under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. The EEOC defines this as unwelcome sexual advances and provides examples. Sexual harassment is often found on college/university campuses and not just between professors and students. Rapes also occurs too often on campuses. This paper discusses these issues with data and court cases. There are six sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Pro and Con, Abortion

      This paper offers arguments on both sides of the abortion issue. Three pages in length, one source is cited, ... MORE

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