• Recent Papers

    • Position Paper Cock and Bull

      This 5 page paper gives an example of a position paper on the story Cock and Bull by Will Self. This paper includes how the ending of the story was meant to mess with the reader's mind. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Do e-cigarettes Work

      The question is whether or not e-cigarettes work in terms of quitting smoking. This paper continues some earlier papers that were about beginning a smoking cessation program in a mental health hospital. The tool is the e-cig. This essay provides learning objectives from nursing essentials, timeline for student's work, and leadership and other activities the student will do for the program. There are two sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Race, Gender, and Sexuality and the American Family

      This 5 page paper gives a summary of how the homework reading informed the student's opinion on the American family. This paper includes a summary of how race, gender, and sexuality relate to the traditional idea of family. Bibliography list 0 sources because the student didn't provide any source information. ... MORE

    • Values and Aspects of Palliative Care

      In a paper of three pages, the author reflects upon the values of community, respect and integrity as they influence the decisions in palliative care. This author recognized the importance of evaluating the psychological, social, and cultural aspects of nursing care as a component of this process. There are two sources cited. ... MORE

    • Personality Tests

      This paper discusses different personality assessments: it comments on how personality assessments and theories are influenced by the lack of a definition for personality. The paper discuses the MMPI and the NEO and how tests are used at work. There are four sources used in this three page paper ... MORE

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