• Recent Papers

    • How is Strategy Developed

      How is strategy created in organizations? This question has led to numerous journal articles, research studies, and books. There are many theories about how strategy is created in an organization and to gain more insight, this essay briefly discusses four journal articles and one book chapter. The writer points out the similarities and differences and evaluates the state of literature based on these readings. There are five sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Proper Nutrition and Exorcise to Eliminate Eating Disorders

      This paper contends that the measures that are needed to address obesity are the same as those needed to address binge eating, anorexia and bulimia. These measures revolve around education and public policy. There are five sources listed in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Guarding Against Cervical Cancer HPV Vaccine Program

      Parents are reluctant to vaccinate their daughters because they fear increased sexual promiscuity. Research demonstrates these fears are unfounded. There are five sources listed in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Small Group and Tiered Instruction

      This research paper offers an investigation of research and educational literature that discusses the significance of small group and tiered instruction as pedagogical approaches that support scaffolding and differentiated instruction. Seven pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • The Juvenile Justice System: Philosophy and History

      This 6 page paper gives an explanation of the juvenile justice system from the past until modern times. This paper includes not only the history of the system, but the philosophy behind how it works. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

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