• Recent Papers

    • Wilkes Barre, PA, Police Brutality

      This research paper/essay pertains to the issue of police brutality, with particular focus on the Wilkes Barre Police Department. Five pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Extremist Attitudes/General Strain Theory

      This paper provides analysis of Nivette, Eisner, and Ribeaud (2017), and general strain theory as an influence of collective strain among a diverse sample of Swiss adolescents, which focused on the manner in which strain affected their support of violent extremism. Four pages in length, two sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Black Panther Movement: Misconceptions

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of the Black Panther Movement. This paper includes the history of the Black Panther Party and the misconceptions that led to the end of the party and cause misled copycats today. Bibliography list 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Ancient Indian Kingship Through the Ages

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of the kingship in Ancient India and how it changed through the ages. This paper includes the period of Vedic-Aryan, the Brahmanic Age, and the Classical period. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • Examples Socially Responsible Companies

      This essay discusses two companies that are trying to provide a better world. Honest Tea produces an completely natural, organic, bottled tea and is heavily involved in social responsibility activities. Mycorrhizal Applications, Inc. is changing how plants of all sorts can be grown. It is able to produce a natural seed/spore that allows remarkable growth with less water. There are three sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

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