• Recent Papers

    • Direct Democracy in the United States

      This 5 page paper gives an overview of direct democracy and the use of initiatives and referendum. This paper includes discussion of direct democracy in the United States on the local, state, and national level. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Parts of Logistics

      Logistics is a big topic because it is comprised of so many parts. This paper emphasizes two of those parts, inventory management and packaging and spends more time on inventory. Technology that is using in these areas is identified and explained. There are eight sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Spina Bifida Overview

      This paper presents a comprehensive overview of spina bifida that discusses various aspects of the disease before losing with a brief case study. Five pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • R&B, the Blues, B.B. King and Bobby Blue Bland

      R&B, the Blues, B.B. King and Bobby Blue Bland This paper compares and contrasts the lives and work of these two infamous blues performers. There are three sources listed in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • One Corporate Health Program for Employees

      Improving the health of employees is a valuable endeavor because the healthier they are the more productive they are. Johnson & Johnson implemented a comprehensive employee wellness program with multiple components about 20 years ago. The purpose was to help employees know their health risks and how to prevent illnesses. This paper explains the program and the challenges J&J faces. There are four sources used in this nine page paper. ... MORE

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