• Recent Papers

    • Nursing Taxonomy, Orem, Watson and Personal

      This paper begins by discusses the taxonomy of both Watson and Orem's theories and then draws on these theories to relate a personal taxonomy. Seven pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Traveling: Washington DC

      This 4 page paper gives an explanation about traveling to Washington DC. This paper includes not only things to do when going to Washington DC, but also how to prepare for the trip. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • Examples Socially Responsible Companies

      This essay discusses two companies that are trying to provide a better world. Honest Tea produces an completely natural, organic, bottled tea and is heavily involved in social responsibility activities. Mycorrhizal Applications, Inc. is changing how plants of all sorts can be grown. It is able to produce a natural seed/spore that allows remarkable growth with less water. There are three sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Research Proposal Cement Company

      The Dangote Group is involved in several industries, one of which is cement. Three plants are being expanded to more across Africa and not just in Nigeria. This is a research proposal that emphasizes technology and supply chain management. The paper describes the company, reports research, discusses the cement industry, and presents a research proposal. There are eighteen sources used in this fourteen page paper. ... MORE

    • Greek God Apollo's Influence on Ancient Greece

      This 5 page paper gives an overview of the Greek god Apollo. This paper includes what areas of life Apollo ruled over and how he was the prophetic and musical god. Bibliography list 2 sources. ... MORE

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