• Recent Papers

    • Pro-Choice and Abortions

      This 3 page paper gives an example of a persuasive essay about abortion. This paper includes examples of why pro-choice is the correct side of the debate. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Teenage Substance Abuse Treatment

      Most programs intended to stop teenagers from using and abusing substances fail because the teenager does not want to be there and they have no intention of cooperating. There are, however, some evidence-based effective programs for adolescents, one of which is The Seven Challenges. This paper reports the latest data on teenage substance use, then, launches directly into describing and explaining this program. There are four sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Anemia Case Study

      In this 3 page case study, the writer describes the case of Ms. A and why the writer feels that her symptoms indicate iron deficiency anemia. Bibliography lists 2 sources. ... MORE

    • Genetics, and the Future, Science Fiction

      This research paper pertains to the topic of genetic manipulation and how advancements in this field were predicted by science fiction. The writer addresses this topic and discusses its ethical implications. Four pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Early Language Acquisition

      Cognitive development is about information processing, reasoning, intelligence, memory, and language development. It is about the construction of thought processes, including remembering, decision-making, and problem solving. During the first three years of life, infants' cognitive development is almost at turbo-speed. This paper identifies the areas of development, selects one, language acquisition, explains why it is so remarkable, and offers several tips for enhancing this type of development. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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