• Recent Papers

    • Five Themes for Increasing Performance

      Management was first studied during the early years of the industrial revolution. Theories and practices have changed dramatically since then. What has not changed is the continual search for ways to increase a company's performance. For that to happen, employees must perform at higher levels. This essay reacts to and reflects on an article entitled, "Creating High Performances Workplaces" by Martin Staubus who describes five themes related to performance. There is one sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Health, UN Sustainable Development Goals

      This research paper discusses UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing specifically on SDG 3, which specifies targets that pertain to health and well being. Seven pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Medication and Cultures

      This research paper describes how health beliefs and cultural views of medication influence health behaviors. Three pages in length, four sources are cited ... MORE

    • BiPolar Disorder on Television

      Stereotypes and stigmas about mental illness have been consistently fostered by the media but in recent years, there are some television shows who have depicted a more accurate representation. Homeland is one of those shows and Carrie's bipolar disorder is discussed. The other person discussed in the essay is Robin Williams to point out that disorders are not easily noticed. There are three sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Electronic Commerce and Technologies

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of how social media and mobile devices help electronic commerce. This paper includes and description of what e-commerce is and how these other devices help boost business. Bibliography list 3 sources. ... MORE

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