• Recent Papers

    • Report from a City Inspector General

      If a city lacks policies and procedures regarding any area of functioning, it makes it easier for employees to commit fraud. Joseph Ferguson gave a speech that discussed this issue and how to find it and prevent it. This essay analyzes a city inspector general's review of how city vehicles and how City fuel were being used. There are two sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • A New World and Social Media

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of social media and social epistemology. This paper includes how social media may be used in a fictional world where a virus makes personal contact impossible. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Bird Flu, an Overview

      This research paper presents an over all view of avian influenza A viruses (bird flu), describing the nature of the illness, signs and symptoms, existing vaccines and other topics. Five page in length, three sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Iran and the United States Joint Relationship

      This 9 page paper gives an explanation of how the Us and Iran need to cooperate in order to maintain the Us power in the Middle East. This paper includes discussions of Chinese and Russian relations with Iran. Bibliography list 5 sources. ... MORE

    • Language and Handedness

      This research paper pertains to various aspects of handedness and language development, as well as what research relates about the pros and cons of being left-handed. Eight pages in length, seven sources are listed. ... MORE

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