• Recent Papers

    • Serial Killers as Celebrities in America

      This 7 page paper gives a perspective on serial killers in the media. This paper includes how serial killers are portrayed as heroes and celebrities in America. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • The Need for Laws to Protect the Obese

      There is no specific law that clearly identifies obesity as a protected class of people under anti-discrimination laws. Like age discrimination, we need a weight discrimination law. The reasons are because obesity has so many diverse causes, more and more research suggests that it is a medical problem and not the fault of the obese person. The paper discuses laws, employment conditions, and provide an example of a successful politician who is obese. There are six sources used in this ten page paper. ... MORE

    • Electronic Commerce and Technologies

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of how social media and mobile devices help electronic commerce. This paper includes and description of what e-commerce is and how these other devices help boost business. Bibliography list 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Extremist Attitudes/General Strain Theory

      This paper provides analysis of Nivette, Eisner, and Ribeaud (2017), and general strain theory as an influence of collective strain among a diverse sample of Swiss adolescents, which focused on the manner in which strain affected their support of violent extremism. Four pages in length, two sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Globalization, Effects of Protectionism

      This paper pertains to protectionism and globalization, and argues that protectionism only serves to complicate globalization, and does not provide can effective approach to economic problems. Four pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

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