• Recent Papers

    • Ovarian Cancer Concerns

      This 4 page paper gives an explanation of ovarian cancer and it's causes. This paper includes factors that contribute to getting it as well as treatments and complication surrounding ovarian cancer. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Cyber Bullying, Effects on Teens

      This research paper offers additional research findings than its shorter version khcyberbully.doc. Both paper discuss research findings pertaining to the problem is cyber bullying and its effects on teens. Fourteen pages in length, thirteen sources are cited. ... MORE

    • STDs Increasing

      The introduction reports data about the incidence of Chlamydia and uses that as a catalyst to discuss health programs in schools; examples are provided. The second part discusses how public health has contributed to public health and medicine. There are ten sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Impact of Violenet Video Games

      There has been a controversy and debate about the effects of video games on children for a long time. This paper provides an overview of the research, which typically finds there is a negative impact for children who play violent video games. There are also some positive effects, which are also identified. There are five sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Canadian Drug Testing in the Workplace

      Employers in Canada face legislative restrictions concerning their abilities to test employees for drugs. This foundation level paper discusses the employer responsibilities, when they can test and the related issues of privacy. The paper is three pages in length. ... MORE

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