Research Papers on Constitutional Law

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Michigan Civil Rights Initiative: Proposal 2

    A 5 page paper which examines the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, known as Proposal 2, as it relates to African American males. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Disparate Treatment and Raytheon Co. v. Hernandez

    This 5 page paper evaluates this case study regarding disparate treatment. The concept of disparate treatment is defined and discussed. Implications of the case are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses affirmative action through the case study Firefighters Local 1784 v. Stotts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Workplace Sexual Harassment Court Decision Process

    A 6 page paper which examines the real-life Meritor v. Vinson sexual harassment case to cast a hypothetical deciding Supreme Court vote to determine who should win; whether harassment can occur if sex was consensual; the responsibility of employers and whether or not they should be liable for episodes for which they have not been notified; discusses if Ms. Vinson was using sex to get ahead, should her supervisor be convicted or be considered the victim; and evaluates the ethical issues from absolutist, relativist, utilitarian and rationalist viewpoints, then concludes with decision and recommended ethical perspective. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Workplace, Sexual Harassment, Legal Issues, and the U.S. Supreme Court

    An 8 page paper which examines such issues as legal definition of and background of sexual harassment, Supreme Court attitudes towards sexual harassment suits, specific cases pertaining to sexual harassment, employer responsibility, legal rights of the accused, and relevant issues concerning due process. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Recent Cases on Workplace Sexual Harassment and Policy Protection

    A 10 page research paper that presents an overview of sexual harassment case law and its implications, focusing on recent cases, such as Pennsylvania State Police v. Suders. The writer also outlines effective anti-sex-harassment policy that companies should initiated based on these findings as protection against litigation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Educational Sphere, Sexual Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

    A 3 page paper that identifies the standards of liability in terms of sexual harassment and sexual discrimination in schools, examples of cases and comments about monetary awards. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Precedential Law for Sexual Harassment

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of sexual harassment claims. SIRAC analyses are carried out for a variety of claims. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Harassment in the Workplace and Legal Issues

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the legal issues of harassment within the work environment. Despite the well established legislative acts which exist in the United States and other countries which prohibit harassment within the work place, there are still many instances which still exist. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces Title VII of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits harassment based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits harassment based on age and the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits harassment based on a disability. In addition to the enforcement of these regulations in the work place, the EEOC also provides guidelines to employers as how to prevent and correct harassment by establishing written procedures, educating their managers and employees as to the policies and reporting procedures and immediate attention to any complaints registered among other measures. Despite these regulations and guidelines, corporations are still charged with many cases of harassment each year resulting in great monetary and reputation losses. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Abortion and the Law

    In 1973, Roe Versus Wade defined the parameters of legality for abortion as the first trimester of pregnancy. The decision was written by Justice Harry Blackmun and based on the rights of privacy. This 5 page paper explores a number of issues involved in helping the student to decide whether that decision was legally correct. Bibliography lists 5 sources. Footnotes are utilized.

  • Article X, Section Four of the Homestead Protection Laws of Florida

    This 8 page paper considers the protection granted to homesteads under Article X section 4. The writer argues that the constitutional protection is providing immoral protection for individuals who are committing fraud and avoiding meeting their obligations. Numerous cases are cited to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Sexual Harassment in the Police Department

    This is a 5 page paper discussing Case 10.1 in regards to officers Andrews and Conn claim against the Philadelphia Police Department. In the case of Andrews and Conn against the Philadelphia Police Department, they have a legitimate claim for sexual discrimination based on their co-workers, and supervisor, being responsible for the creation of an offensive and hostile working environment. Title VII and definitions by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) include the use of lewd language and posting of lewd materials in public working areas as part of a hostile working environment which occurred on many instances in this case as well as many other offensive acts. In addition to the creation of the hostile work environment, the supervisor in the case was aware and did nothing to correct the situation which holds him and his employer accountable for the creation of a hostile work environment. Supervisors, superiors and those in legitimate power positions should implement an Affirmative Action Plan within the workplace and follow this with anti-harassment training for their employees in order to correct discrimination and to prevent future occurrences. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pledge of Allegiance and the U.S. Supreme Court

    A 5 page argumentative essay that examines the Supreme Court case in which a California doctor is challenge the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance. The writer presents the facts of the case and its history and argues that the Court should uphold the Pledge as it is now written. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Discussion of U.S. Supreme Court Cases with Controversial Issues

    8 pages in length. Within the past several years, the Supreme Court has had to grapple with many controversial issues and decide accordingly the best way to appease both the law and the public. A number of such issues have represented the changing times where individuals are routinely forced to seek legal guidance from the nation's highest court. The writer discusses doctor-assisted suicide, medicinal/religious marijuana and the Family Medical Leave Act as they relate to Supreme Court rulings. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • 14 Essay Questions on the Law

    A 6 page paper answering 14 essay questions, 7 of which deal with an assisted suicide case. Other questions address topics such as tort, contract and real estate law. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • U.S. Supreme Court and Its Power

    3 pages in length. The decisions of recent Supreme Court cases revolve around a society that has become somewhat extremist. No longer do benevolence and humane ethics rule the land, but rather legal infiltration must work in tandem with a society lost to individualism. Issues such as gun control, presidential privilege, indiscriminant background checks via the Brady Bill and medicinal marijuana use have represented an entirely new and different approach to law interpretation and judgment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Analysis of Abortion Law Evolution

    This 10 page research paper chronicles the evolution of U.S. abortion legislation by examining landmark Supreme Court case law decisions. Specifically discussed are historic cases including Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), Roe v. Wade (1973), Harris v. McRae (1980), and Akron v. Akron Center For Reproductive Health, Inc. (1983). Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Legal Interpretation

    This 6 page paper explores several theories of law and concludes that originalism is the only valid way to interpret law in the United States. The 1931 McBoyle v. United States is used to begin the discussion. Scalia's opinions are duly noted. Textualism is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Media Law and People v. Larry Flynt Film

    (5 pp) "If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, then it will protect all of you. Because I'm the worst." Shocking? Perverted? Or - just the every day words of porno king and owner, of Hustler Magazine, Larry Flynt? Are we to believe that the "worst" has brought new meaning to the "First?" Bibliography lists two sources.

  • Life's Complexities and Tort Law

    A 9 page paper defining tort law as a civil wrong resulting from an act or omission which has caused damage to other persons or property. The author contends that the law has to accommodate all the untidy complexities of life, and there are circumstances where considerations of practical justice impel us to reject a general imposition of liability for foreseeable damage. Numerous examples are provided which clarify tort liability. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Process of Making Laws and Parliament's Role

    This 7 page paper considers the role of parliament in the law making process to examine if parliament may be seen as a full participant in the law making processes. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Cases and History of Antitrust Law

    This 7 page paper discusses Antitrust Law from several perspectives. History of Antitrust Law is discussed as is regulatory authorities, current legislation and historic cases. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Workers' Compensation and America's Federal Law

    An 8 page discussion of various federal laws which impact working compensation. Included in the discussion is a brief overview of the Coal Miners Compensation Laws (Black Lung Benefits Act), the Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act, and the Disabilities Act of 1990. The primary emphasis of this paper, however, is on the Worker’s Compensation Act. The author emphasizes that while some of these laws receive a considerable degree of criticism, they are a necessary and appreciated part of the American work place. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Policymaking and the 'Son of Sam' Legislation

    This 10 page paper examines how policy is actually formed in government. Furthermore, this paper uses the Son of Sam law as an example of just how policy is formed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Lawmaking and the ECJ

    This 10 page paper considers the question “do the European Court of Justice have as much influence on the development of community law as the council of ministers”. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Education Law New Jersey v. T.L.O. Analyzed

    This 3 page paper evaluates the case. The facts of the case are provided. The fourth amendment is defined and applied to the case. Arguments for either side are included as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Social Change and the Law

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the role of law in society. Two basic perspectives are considered in regards to the role of the law in society. One is that the role of the law is to reflect society’s attitudes and throughout the process of social change through history, so too will the law reflect these changes. On the other hand, some governments or countries believe that the role of the law is to force or control social change. In the latter case, the law may or may not change through the process of social change. In today’s society, laws generally reflect society’s attitudes and social change as can be seen in the constantly changing, amending, updating and reversal of many of the laws which used to be enforced. These transitions in the law as a reflection of social change can be seen in some of the recent changes in laws pertaining to homosexual partnerships and euthanasia in some countries. Changes in the law reflect societal attitudes to the extent where countries which have changed their laws to suit society’s changing attitudes are seen as more open and accepting of societal changes than those which do not. There are also some countries in which the law remains a controlling force for social change as seen in the one child policy in China. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Racial Equality and Tort Law

    A 4 page paper discussing the progress of racial equality over the past century as it applies to tort law. Beginning with Justice Harlan’s dissent in the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson and continuing to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the paper discusses the ineffectiveness of tort law before the mid-1960s. America still has not achieved full equality, but the tort possibilities introduced with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 have provided a means by which it can continue to be promoted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History and Contemporary Message of the U.S. Constitution's 4th Amendment

    An 8 page paper that provides an overview of the history and current application of the 4th Amendment. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Higher Education and an Affirmative Action Short History

    This 11 page paper provides an overview of affirmative action in higher education with a focus on landmark cases. Hopwood, Bakke and more recent Michigan cases are discussed. The paper takes the position that affirmative action is necessary. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Eyewitness Testimony Admissibility

    A 10 page research paper that discusses the reliability of eyewitness testimony. The writer offers a literature review of eyewitness and memory research that indicates that eyewitness testimony is not as reliable as it has been traditionally viewed in US jurisprudence. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • New York Times Co. v. United States

    This 13 page paper discusses the 1971 "Pentagon Papers" case that was argued before the Supreme Court, which found that the Times could publish classified documents pertaining to the Administration's misleading of the American public with regard to the situation in Vietnam. The paper discusses what this means for journalists today; includes a brief literature review. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The U.S. Air Force and Advanced Practice Nursing

    An 18 page paper discussing federal and state laws regarding advanced nursing practice. At present, licensing is a state function, and requirements as well as privileges can widely vary between states. As a national organization, the USAF and other military services may literally be caught in the middle between states’ and federal regulation. The purpose here is to determine whether the USAF advanced nurse practitioners are “functioning beyond their scope of practice as independent licensed practitioners.” Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • English Language Learning and Lau v. Nichols

    This 9 page paper begins with an chronological outline of the laws addressing English language learners, both before and after the Lau case. The writer then provides a comprehensive overview of the Lau v Nichols case beginning with initial complaint filed on behalf of 12 Chinese-American students in San Francisco, a case that asked only that the school district teach the children English, and the final outcome from the U.S. Supreme Court. Actual excerpts of the different written decisions are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Terrorism and Wartime criminal law

    An 8 page research paper that discusses crime and criminal law in general and then focuses on terrorism and changes in constitutional law, arguing that this is not a good idea. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Freedom of Religion, A First Amendment Right

    A 4 page essay/research paper that discusses the right to Freedom of Religion, which is guaranteed under the First Amendment. This examination focuses on the issues that continue to define the division between church and state that this amendment imposes on the American government. Many people today would tear down the wall dividing church and state, but this is as inadvisable today as it was when Thomas Jefferson was president, as Americans today live within the context of an increasingly diverse society. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Timothy McVeigh's Execution and Its Social and Legal Repercussions

    A 10 page paper exploring the numerous legal and social ramifications inherent in the recent execution of Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh, convicted and sentenced to death for his role in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and the consequent deaths of 168 people, was the first federal execution in thirty-eight years. The execution has reopened the argument as to the validity of a federal death penalty law under the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • UK Constitutional Improvements

    This 10 page paper considers how the UK constitution may be better placed to serve the people if provision from other constitution were to be included. The writer examines this from both sides. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Capital Punishment and Donald P. Roper v. Christopher Simmons

    This 4 page paper evaluates this appeal to the Supreme Court regarding a death penalty issue. The paper argues that the Court did not consider enough evidence pertinent to the ideation of the death penalty in America today. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Argument Against Abortion

    A 5 page paper which argues against abortion. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

    This 4-page paper focuses on the issue of why the Second Amendment is both the most used and least effective argument for gun control, and why it has made America's gun control laws so weak. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Karen Ann Quinlan 'Right to Die' Case

    The sociolegal controversy over an individual's right to die is one that has attempted to re-define death and to question when it actually occurs (i.e., brain death or heart death ?). This 2 page essay looks at the infamous Karen Quinlan case in which the Supreme Court granted Ms. Quinlan's family the right to let her die (ruling that "No compelling interest of the state could compel her to endure the unendurable") -- but she continued to live on anyway after being removed from life-sustaining medical equipment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Right to Privacy: A Constitutional Provision?

    An 8 page discussion of the controversy surrounding the question of whether or not the U.S. Constitution provides for the right to privacy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Right to Bear Arms

    A 3 page paper which argues for the right to bear arms as outlined in the Bill of Rights. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 2nd Amendment 'Right to Bear Arms' of the US Constitution

    A 15 page argumentative essay in support of the Second Amendment right to bear arms. The paper explores the history behind the Constitutional Amendment, gun legislation, new legal and historian interpretations of the Amendment, and public opinions on the issue--leading to the final conclusion in support of the Second Amendment. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • 4th Amendment and Thermal Imaging Technology Search Reasonableness

    A 3 page paper discussing the reasonableness of a search using thermal imaging. Today’s technology appears to allow searches that are not truly physical searches. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits such searches. The purpose here is to determine whether examination with thermal imaging devices constitutes a “search” according to Constitutional law. It uses Kyllo v. United States to conclude it does not. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 4-page paper describes the court systems (state and federal) for someone living in Phoenix, AZ. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Book Censorship

    A 3 page paper which argues against book censorship. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Media Law and People v. Larry Flynt Film

    (5 pp) "If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, then it will protect all of you. Because I'm the worst." Shocking? Perverted? Or - just the every day words of porno king and owner, of Hustler Magazine, Larry Flynt? Are we to believe that the "worst" has brought new meaning to the "First?" Bibliography lists two sources.

  • The Protection of the People Against the Exercise ot Arbitrary Power: Miranda v. Arizona

    A 9 page examination of the importance of Miranda vs Arizona. This paper explores the circumstances surrounding the case and the decision’s long lasting implications in law enforcement procedure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. Supreme Court Decision of Miranda v. Arizona

    A 3 page paper which discusses the controversial Supreme Court decision and comments on the erosion of the rule, discussing case law exceptions and their rationale by the high court. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965

    A 3 page paper which examines and analyzes the need for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Legal Issues in Education

    A 30 page research paper that addresses specific legal issues as they apply to teaching and education. Topics covered include tort liability, negligence, law pertaining to disabled children, privacy issues, drug testing, search and seizure and others. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Higher Education in the Supreme Court

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of Supreme Court cases dealing with higher education. Engel v. Vitale is highlighted, as well as Board of Education v. Earls. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Death Penalty: Overview

    A 4 page paper which provides a general overview, along with the pros and cons, of the death penalty. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pertinent Issues in First Amendment Law

    A 10 page research paper that concerns First Amendment issues suggested by a scenario regarding the trial of a group of right-wing extremists known as the "Montana Freeman." The scenario presumes that this report is a document prepared for the Justice Department addressing possible First Amendment issues/problems concerning the trial and its repercussions on the activities of various right-wing groups. The writer discusses the "clear and present danger" test, and other case precedents that pertain to the issues addressed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • First Amendment & Tort Law, UK & US

    A 5 page research paper that discusses 2 questions. The first question is What effect might the American and English rules (pertaining to tort law) have on the willingness of people to assert their rights through litigation? and the second question is How does the First Amendment right to petition for redress of grievances bear on the choice between the American and English rules? Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Canada, Mercy Killing, and R v. Latimer

    A 23 page paper. In 1993, Robert Latimer, a farmer from Saskatchewan, killed his severely disabled twelve-year old daughter Tracy. The case was heard in four courts, including the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. The defendant asked for an exemption from the mandatory minimum sentence citing section 12 of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. This essay recounts the incidents, the court rulings, and opinions from legal minds. The essay also provides a brief discussion regarding mercy killing and how Canadians have reacted to the concept. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • US Constitution and its Origins

    This 15 page overview explores the origins of the Constitution. Included are references to John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu who supported the theory of civic humanism. Also discussed is the applicability of earlier documents such as the Magna Carter and the Mayflower Compact. A discussion of constitutional amendments and how concepts have changed over time is also included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Concept of Judicial Review II

    In 6 pages, the writer discusses the concept of judicial review, what it is, how it works, agencies involved, etc. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Overview of the Expectations Surrounding the Implementation of the First Amendment

    9 pages which analytically examine whether or not the 1st amendment has 'lived up' to the expectation of its drafters. Bibliography contains 18 legal references.

  • Examination of the U.S. Constitution's 2nd and 4th Amendments

    These two amendments are looked at in light of several contemporary issues in this 8 page paper. The amendments are also discussed historically, inclusive of their origins and examples throughout the history of the nation. Recent examples that involve such issues are shown, including Ruby Ridge, Waco and the shooting of five people in Arkansas in March of 1998. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History and Contemporary Message of the U.S. Constitution's 4th Amendment

    An 8 page paper that provides an overview of the history and current application of the 4th Amendment. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • O.J. Simpson Double Murder Case and the US Constitution's 4th Amendment

    A 5 page overview of the Fourth Amendment and its Relevance to the Search and Seizure involved in recovering evidence in the recent O.J. Simpson murder trial. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Women's Rights and the U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment

    A 7 page paper discussing the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The writer discusses the context of this amendment in current times as it relates to equality, women's rights, relevant social programs, etc; It is ultimately concluded that although the 14th amendment is the first step towards social reform, and equal rights for all citizens, it will be a long time before those discriminated against -- women, homosexuals, blacks, and other minorities -- are truly considered equal. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Samuel Walker In Defense of American Liberties

    5 pages in length. Samuel Walker's In Defense of American Liberties: A History of the ACLU demonstrates the strengths, weaknesses and changes implemented by the American Civil Liberties Union over the past century. Its in-depth and detailed, if not sometimes strong and emotional, depiction gives the reader a sense of reality with regard to how it was -- and still is -- to fight for one's inherent freedoms. The writer discusses Walker's interpretation of how the ACLU climbed up from the ranks to become the most respected civil liberties organization. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Voting Methods in America and What is Wrong with Them

    In 5 pages the author discusses the different voting methods used. "Voting in the United States is not as simple as it would seem. The outcome of the election depends on the method used in voting. Of all the methods of voting, there is not one that satisfies all of the conditions of fairness." Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Crime, the Exclusionary Rule, and Constitutional Amendments

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments as they relate to crime, as well as addresses the dispensable exclusionary rule. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Legal Interpretation

    This 6 page paper explores several theories of law and concludes that originalism is the only valid way to interpret law in the United States. The 1931 McBoyle v. United States is used to begin the discussion. Scalia's opinions are duly noted. Textualism is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Legal Principles of Res Judicata and Double Jeopardy

    This 5 page paper compares the two principles which are very similar but pertain to different areas of law. Differences and similarities are noted. The OJ Simpson case is mentioned. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Analysis of a Kidnapping Case and Questions Involving Hijacking, Force, and Intent

    A 5 page paper that presents a kidnapping case analysis that examines the three questions of necessary intent, applied force, and what constitutes charges of hijacking within the criminal charge of kidnapping. These three questions are examined and answered in regard to applicable rule of law and a subsequent altered set of charges is offered. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Paging Device Information and the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

    This 10 page paper provides an argument that protection of fourth amendment rights is diminishing. The focus of the discussion is on recent legislation which gives law enforcement agents more leeway in accessing numeric pager information. 10 sources listed.


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