Research Papers on Law Enforcement

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Design of a Victim Service Unit

    An 8 page paper and companion to a PowerPoint presentation discussing the findings of the research report, KScrimVictSrvcs.rtf. This is a presentation to department personnel, explaining to them what the researcher found and asking for their input in the design of the town’s own victim service unit. The paper consists of a “planning sheet,” presentation outline and presentation script. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Data Coding and Measurement Analysis

    A 7 page paper discussing a report of an assessment of hate crime incidence in the US. "Hate Crime Reported by Victims and Police" (Harlow, 2005) is the report of the statistical analysis of data collected through both quantitative and qualitative methods. It has limitations, but it does provide insight into the degree to which social issues provide motivation for crime. The purpose here is to assess several points of the article and the data and methods from which it developed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    Understanding the depth and scope of what on-the-job hazards exist for police officers is an instrumental way in which to help mitigate the detrimental outcome when they do occur. Dealing with the criminal element is not the only connection police officers have with on-the-job hazards inasmuch as their responsibilities also include domestic disturbances, traffic stops and health-related emergencies. The purpose behind this research proposal is to determine the greater propensity of hazards as they relate to criminal and noncriminal situations. 6 pages and 6 sources.

  • First Responder Case Study Analysis

    This 9 page analysis responds to a case study. The paper explores what first responders do when they first come to a scene. Biological and chemical hazards are addressed. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Challenges Of Community Policing Implementation - Case Study

    5 pages in length. This case study illustrates how preconceived expectations can completely undermine positive change before it has had an opportunity to take hold. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Females in Law Enforcement

    A 20 page discussion of women in law enforcement. This paper examines how women perform in comparison to male officers. It also examines such issues as discrimination and sexual harassment. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Equality, Women, and Policing

    A 5 page overview of women in law enforcement. Points out that some women have succeeded in law enforcement careers but almost inevitably they acknowledge the existence of sexual discrimination. Concludes that many times women feel that they have to simply deal with discrimination in order to keep their jobs. Suggests that much more than women's moral is at stake in the issue of sexual discrimination. Recommends methods for improvement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cyberspace Crimes and the Law

    This 9 page paper examines cybercrime and how the law is involved. This paper argues that while the law is important, it is sufficient. The problem with catching the criminals who participate in this type of activity is that technology in law enforcement is not up to par. Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and Cyber Crime

    This 5 page paper begins with comments from two FBI Cyber Agents about their typical day. Although all law enforcement agencies know cyber crime is the fastest-growing crime in the history of the country, officials do not know exactly how extensive it is because only about 5 percent of the crimes committed are ever reported. The writer discusses the difficulties obtaining statistical data. The writer provides examples of specific crimes and how the FBI, working with other agencies, was involved in solving them. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Digital And Psychological Profiling Of Cyber Crime

    10 pages in length. Witnesses are often the single most important elements of securing a conviction or realizing an acquittal; without these observers to testify as to what they saw, heard or know, myriad court cases would either go unsolved or erroneously resolved. With the technological age, however, has come an entirely different type of witness who - by virtue of its unique position to collect incriminating data - does not have the capacity to lie. Computers have become some of the most critical tools law enforcement agencies have encountered, inasmuch as they provide a clear-cut path to criminals who use them as cyber weapons. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Cyber Crime Task Forces - The Reality

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of cyber crime. The logistics behind developing a cyber crime task force are explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and the Impact of Stress

    In 5 pages, the author discusses the effects of stress on police officers including alcoholism, domestic violence, suicide and death during duty. Bibliography includes 7 sources.

  • Post 1950 West and Marijuana

    An 11 page discussion of the history of marijuana usage in countries like Great Britain, Canada, and the U.S. since the mid part of the twentieth century. The author reviews some of the critical laws regarding marijuana usage, inclusive of the 2002 decision by Great Britain to lessen the criminal penalties for possession of marijuana and to in effect look the other way, to conclude that while countries like Great Britain and Canada are slowly preparing for the leap toward legalization, the U.S. is holding back and looking at the edge. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Anti-Drug Legislation On A Federal And State Level

    5 pages in length. America's massive efforts to quell the presence of illegal substances have proven historically ineffective; any beneficial outcome of the war on drugs has been dubious at best and an undeniable failure at worst. Despite attempts from both a state and federal perspective, it can readily be argued how the legislative tactics used for addressing the country's rampant drug problem has created more setbacks than any progress that can be attributed. Early federal laws like the 1914 Harrison Act and 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, while implemented for the explicit purpose of curbing drug use, were clearly not enforced due to a much more liberal social attitude about drug use. Shifting opinions, however, served to provide greater support for the 1970 Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Prevention and Control Act whereby previously weak legislation was combined and bolstered into a single, more powerful law that enabled drug offenders to be federally prosecuted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and Public Administration

    An 8 page research paper on the changes in public administration theory and its application to law enforcement. Particular attention is paid to the ideal and effectiveness of community policing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Post 911 Laws

    A 10 page paper. Americans have enjoyed a degree of freedom few, if any, other countries enjoy. Yet, it was that freedom that was at least partially responsible for the horrific events of September 11, 2001. In wake of the Attack on America, new laws have been passed that give far more freedom to different government agencies to monitor communications. The new laws cover the Internet, as well as all other telecommunication technology. This paper discusses these new laws and the need for them. It also discusses the need to balance national security with individual privacy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Police Officers and Stress

    8 pages. Law enforcement has been repeatedly shown to be one of the highest rated jobs in terms of stress-related illnesses. This paper will analyze why this is, discuss critical theories concerning stress in law enforcement and come to an integrative conclusion regarding this topic. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Effective Law Enforcement Tool Known as Foot Patrol

    5 pages in length. Enforcing the law is difficult enough without the added distraction of sidewalks, housing developments, industrial parks and just about every other impediment that makes patrol cars a less effective law enforcement tool. Utilizing foot patrol, on the other hand, provides for greater maneuverability through areas that a car simply cannot traverse, as well as keeps law enforcement visible for citizens and potential perpetrators alike to see. In contrast, foot patrol is not as effective as bicycle patrol, where law enforcement officers are trained to maneuver upon different types of bikes depending upon the terrain they will be covering. The agility and speed of bike patrol lends itself to crowded areas where cars are impractical and foot patrol is futile. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Peter Horne's Women in Law Enforcement

    A 7 page overview of the book by author Peter Horne. This paper covers the highlights of the book, focusing on the history of women in law enforcement in the United States. Starting with their debut into law enforcement in the nineteenth century and proceeding through contemporary times, the author outlines the major accomplishment made even in the face of sometimes overwhelming obstacles. No additional sources are listed.

  • Law Enforcement Changes

    8 pages. Over the last thirty years there have been many major changes in law enforcement and the hiring of law enforcement officers. This paper looks at what has caused these changes, why they have come about, and why this is an important issue to consider. When one considers the many changes our society has gone through over the last thirty years it is obvious that law enforcement has had to change accordingly. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Police and its Main Functions

    5 pages. Police are given a wide range of responsibilities in the criminal justice system, from directing traffic to solving homicides. For the most part their work is made up of three primary functions: order maintenance, law enforcement and service. This paper explains the importance of these functions and explains which function is the most important to our society and why. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Media and Law Enforcement

    A 14 page paper which examines how law enforcement is portrayed by the media, how it affects the public’s perception of police departments, how several famous cases have been covered and the significance of racial and sexual prejudice. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Four Films and Their Portrayal of Crime and Judicial Procedures

    A paper which looks at the way in which crime and judicial processes are dealt with in four modern movies, with particular reference to the moral and ethical foundations of the legal systems and the extent to which situational ethics may be appropriate in the context of law enforcement.

  • 911 Emergency Response Systems

    A 6 page paper describing the history and progression of 911 emergency response systems and their application today. The author attempts to show the factors that impact the effectiveness of using 911 emergency response systems and addresses a number of complaints about its effectiveness. FREE Outline included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Police Corruption Selective History

    This 15 page paper focuses on brutality and bribery as it looks at the long standing blue wall of silence. While the history of corruption is discussed, going back to Tammany Hall days, contemporary examples of problems in police departments are discussed in depth. Some studies are cited that look for causes of corruption. Solutions are discussed as well. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Literature Review of Probation and Policing Fields Discriminating Against Women

    20 pages in length. The female gender is no stranger among the various ranks of America's police force, inasmuch as their presence has been an integral component of law enforcement since 1913; however, the capacity in which they have served these past ninety years has long been a bone of contention with regard to issues of gender inequity. House (1993) notes how it was not until the 1970s that women were upgraded to more expansive roles within the department, representing a significant departure from the standard social and administrative work to which they were relegated. With the 1972 graduation of the nation's first female FBI agents came an altogether different perspective of women on the police force; however, House (1993) points out that even though this precedence-setting event helped to increase the number of policewomen from just over three thousand to approximately twenty-eight hundred between 1971 and 1990, it has done little to improve promotions or decrease discrimination worldwide. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Approaches to Conflict Management

    This is a 5 page paper discussing conflict management in the RCMP. Conflict management techniques are considered a large and very important part of organizations today. Management has for decades struggled with conflict management using highly formalized methods in which the manager must instigate the process and employees must file official grievances; causing a negotiation process which could last from months to years to complete. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) however has recently adopted a simple yet effective conflict management program called “Alternative Dispute Resolution” or ADR which bases its premise on “fast, friendly, flexible and fair” resolutions instigated at the lowest possible levels and the process is undertaken immediately for quick resolution. Largely, the program is well supported throughout the organization and the process leaves employees feeling a great deal of satisfaction in the resolution of their conflicts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Security Management and Proactivity

    This 4 page paper discusses the various ways that Security management personnel can become proactive in the field. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Police Psychology And Application

    5 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses assessment elements of pre-employment screening, confidentiality, fitness-for-duty evaluations and homosexuality as they relate to law enforcement psychologists. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Abnormal Psychology Study and Law Enforcement

    A 5 page paper discussing the benefits that this study brings to law enforcement. Both crimes and criminals are becoming more sophisticated each year. The study of abnormal psychology cannot be a be-all and end-all measure for law enforcement, but it can help even the playing field between criminals and law enforcement. It can assist in avoiding wasted investigative time, and it can be instrumental in making local law enforcement more productive in their investigations. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Higher Education For Police Officers

    6 pages in length. The psychology of crime requires significantly more than law enforcement officers brandishing loaded weapons at and physically apprehending offenders. Indeed, the extent to which contemporary police forces must also incorporate some level of psychological interface with the perpetrator is both grand and far-reaching; that obtaining a degree of higher education in order to better understand the criminal mind while in the field speaks to a much greater scope of law enforcement than many people realize exists in today's criminal justice system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. and Corruption in Law Enforcement

    This 4 page report discusses police corruption in the United States. Abuses detailed in news reports and lawsuits related to the “Rampart Division” of the Los Angeles Police Department to the most mundane examples of police officers in the smallest and the largest of organizations “cutting deals” that serve their interest rather than the people who they are hired to supposedly “protect and serve.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Criminal Justice System and Fairness

    A 6 page paper assessing one author’s view of racial and ethnic unfairness in the American system of criminal justice. Author and Georgetown law professor David Cole argues in his book, “No Equal Justice: Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System,” that the inequality inherent in our legal system originates not with those who enforce and carry out the laws, but rather with the decisions that emanate from the Supreme Court. Cole’s system of criminal justice is fair in its methods after an individual enters into it; it is the method of entry that preserves its inherent unfairness. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Criminal Law Considered in 4 Questions

    5 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses racketeering and money laundering, four components of the U.S. criminal justice system, community-oriented policing and constitutional protection of prisoner rights. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Criminology Theories, Mafioso

    This 3 page research paper relates Alberto Lattuada's 1962 film Mafioso to ethnic succession theory and alien conspiracy theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Human Rights Violations and the 2001 United Kingdom Anti Terrorism, Crime and Security Act

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the recent UK Anti-terrorism laws introduced in the United Kingdom. The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act which was released in the United Kingdom in December of 2001 has come under a great deal of criticism from politicians, the House of Lords, and human rights activists for its all encompassing restrictions and some apparent violations to the European Council on Human Rights. Already the House of Lords has put together some amendments which will in fact reverse some of the restrictive amendments included in the act. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Internet Censorship of Dangerous Information

    This 5 page report makes the argument that censorship of dangerous information on the Internet is an important consideration in preventing both domestic and foreign terrorist attacks. In particular, information regarding how to make a bomb is both harmful and dangerous and should be censored from the Internet. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cyber Crime Task Forces - The Reality

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of cyber crime. The logistics behind developing a cyber crime task force are explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and Cyber Crime

    This 5 page paper begins with comments from two FBI Cyber Agents about their typical day. Although all law enforcement agencies know cyber crime is the fastest-growing crime in the history of the country, officials do not know exactly how extensive it is because only about 5 percent of the crimes committed are ever reported. The writer discusses the difficulties obtaining statistical data. The writer provides examples of specific crimes and how the FBI, working with other agencies, was involved in solving them. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Social Bond Theory Cybercrimes

    A 5 page paper that has two parts. The first part explains and discusses Hirschi’s social bond theory of criminality. The second part is a public service announcement focusing on digital crime and terrorism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • DNA in Investigations and as Evidence

    A 5 page research paper that explains what DNA and DNA analysis are and then discusses the role of this criminal law enforcement tool investigations and as evidence in court. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Statistics on Crime One State vs National

    A 4 page paper That compares the rates of violent crimes in Texas to the nation. Statistical data reported. The paper comments on the characteristics of victims and perpetrators. Two newspaper articles about different types of crimes are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Community Notification on Reported Sex Offenders

    This 15 page paper evaluates the problem of sex offenders that are released into the community. Megan's law along with similar legislation is discussed in depth. The problem of impinging on offenders' rights, as well as these laws having the opposite of the intended effect, are issues included. Statistics regarding recidivism are relayed. The paper supports community notification despite some arguments made to the contrary . Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Benefits Of Profiling In Fighting Terrorism

    A 4 page paper. The writer comments on the controversy of racial profiling in fighting terrorism but also demonstrates the benefits, despite the lack of articles that support this method. The writer defines profiling and how it is used in this fight against terrorism and also recognizes that profiling has been used for evil or inappropriate purposes, Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • White Collar Crime and Business

    A 9 page paper answering 10 discussion questions about corporate responsibility and conviction for white collar crime, as well as technocrime and which type is worse for the community. Other questions address law enforcement agencies and four crime theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Problems with Eye Witness Testimony

    Eye witness testimony is often assumed to be some of the best evidence in a court case, the level of confidence of the witness also increase the trust placed in it by the jury. This 10 page paper looks at the problems associated with eye witness testimony form a psychological perspective, including the ways in which it can be tainted. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Approaches to Conflict Management

    This is a 5 page paper discussing conflict management in the RCMP. Conflict management techniques are considered a large and very important part of organizations today. Management has for decades struggled with conflict management using highly formalized methods in which the manager must instigate the process and employees must file official grievances; causing a negotiation process which could last from months to years to complete. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) however has recently adopted a simple yet effective conflict management program called “Alternative Dispute Resolution” or ADR which bases its premise on “fast, friendly, flexible and fair” resolutions instigated at the lowest possible levels and the process is undertaken immediately for quick resolution. Largely, the program is well supported throughout the organization and the process leaves employees feeling a great deal of satisfaction in the resolution of their conflicts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • California Police Officers: Certain Physique And Weight Management

    6 pages in length. The last one hundred years have served to transition the overall duties of police officers from highly physically demanding to duties shared between physicality and technology. Typically, big, strong men were representational of the early 1900s police force when walking was the only way in which to patrol the city. The ability to dart and dash after offenders was the primary means by which police officers could ever hope to apprehend, inasmuch as that era had little more than body-to-body contact for bringing down the perpetrator. Today, the advent of technology gives police officers a tremendous advantage over their historical counterparts with devices to stop and capture the offender, but that does not preclude the need for law enforcement officers to be in peak condition. Police work may not be as physical in nature as it was back at the turn of the century, however, it still entails a significant amount of maneuvering that requires officers be as physically fit as possible. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Law Enforcement Technology in the 21st Century

    This 6 page paper discusses some of the latest advances in law enforcement technology, and what they mean to the future of law enforcement. It also discusses the possibility that such technologies can be misused. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and the Value of Higher Education

    This is a 9 page paper that provides an overview of law enforcement policy proposals. A proposal to incorporate higher education into officer training is explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Domestic Violence Arrest Decision Reviewed

    This paper is a review of a recent study performed among law enforcement officials in a Midwestern town concerning under what circumstances an arrest is likely to be made in a domestic violence event. The paper offers a critical review on the study itself, and offers additional insight.

  • Taiwan and the US/Comparing Domestic Violence

    A 3 page research paper that describes domestic violence law in Taiwan and effect of current reform legislation on this issue in Maryland. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Media Depiction of Law Enforcement Brutality

    In 5 pages, the author argues that people generally form their opinions from the media about police brutality. The well-known example of the Rodney King incident is used to show that the media is biased in their portrayal of the police. The media left out footage of the tape that was both important and necessary in showing what King did before the police beat him. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ethics and Police Brutality

    This 12 page paper examines police brutality. Four separate cases are evaluted (Sean Bell, Martin Lee Anderson, Frank Jude Jr., Robert Davis). How ethics play a role in police incidents is the crux of this analysis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Search and Seizure: Searching Vehicles as a Part of Apprehension and Arrest

    A 5 page discussion of search and seizure as it applies to vehicles. This paper is based on two fictional scenarios but calls upon case law involving searches of vehicles when those searches were no predicated on the fact that a vehicle is readily mobile. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Overcoming Language Barriers in Law Enforcement

    A 7 page consideration of the problems inherent in policing those who are not proficient in English. This paper reviews what law enforcement agencies around the nation have done to overcome these problems and recommends a best practice solution. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Pros and Cons of Lie Detectors

    A 3 page paper which examines the pros and cons of lie detectors. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Miranda v Arizona Case, Due Process, and Miranda Rights

    (5 pp) A lot of us may only get crime information from television or movies, as we hear the television detective mumble something to the suspect, as he "cuffs 'em." What you are seeing and not hearing is the "Miranda rights." This discussion examines the definition, the history, and the importance of those rights. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Use of Technology in the Criminal Justice System

    This 5 page paper discusses mobile data terminals and Livescan technology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Criminal Justice and the Development of New Technology

    3 pages in length. It used to be that tracking down and apprehending criminal suspects required a combination of psychological outsmarting and a whole lot of physical legwork. Today, while still necessitating the ability to outsmart criminals, the legwork has all but been replaced by new technology, particularly when dealing with assault crimes. Pertinent to today's ever-expanding criminal justice system is the implementation of computer technology as a means by which to accomplish such objectives as criminal investigations, intelligence gathering, crime-mapping and analysis, DNA identification, predictions, personnel management and administration. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Article Analysis: Noise

    This 3 page paper analyzes an article on noise, noise pollution, and efforts to curb it. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Overview of Police Brutality

    Twelve sources are reviewed in this 11 page paper. In compiling literature on the topic, several variables seem relevant in a discussion on police corruption and brutality. These are loyalty, cynicism, contributory factors of 'police culture' as well as the handling of complaints by officials. Recommendations are made in several of the articles.

  • Profiling & Terrorism

    A 10 page research paper that, first of all, examines the definition of “racial profiling” and distinguishes this activity from other forms of profiling that are carried on by law enforcement agents. Then, the arguments, both pro and con, regarding racial profiling are examined. Summation, analysis and conclusions are offered based on this information. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Community Policing and Terrorism

    This 12 page paper examines how community policing can help to catch terrorists. Police are on the front lines and some believe that community policing can help in combating terrorism. Community policing is explored first and then strategies to fight terrorism are discussed. The paper concludes that for some areas, community policing works well, but in others, more complex structures work better. Terrorism can be detected by police with or without the community policing model. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Terrorism/Comparing Countries

    An 8 page research paper that discusses the international response to terrorism. Terrorism is the principal focus of American foreign policy, but it also plays an intrinsic role in both the domestic and foreign policies of other countries. The following investigation looks briefly at the issue of terrorism in six nations: England (Great Britain), France, Germany, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia, and then offers a discussion that compares and contrasts their policies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Flight 800 TWA Crash Analyzed

    This 10 page paper delves into the 1996 TWA Flight 800 crash with a focus on technical aspects. A variety of theories are explored including the official explanation as being mechanical failure to more extraordinary suppositions such as those that involve missiles or bombs. The physical evidence is examined through the eyes of retired military personnel and newsman Pierre Salinger. The paper concludes that the bomb theory is most plausible. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Gang Problem and Cooperation Between Community and Police

    In 4 pages the author discusses how the police and the community work together to stop the problem of gangs. Community policing is the solution to the specific problem of gangs in the neighborhood. Law enforcement agencies are inundated with the protection of their specific patrol areas. It is impossible for police officers to be at all places at all times. That is why there must be a collaboration between the police and the community. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Issue of Community Policing

    In 5 pages the author discusses the issue of community policing, which is also referred to as COP. 'Community policing is a viable option as long as all divisions and individuals are well informed and integrated into the philosophy of the COP process, and a department-wide strategy for the implementation of COP is developed. Community policing yields long-term solutions to many problems.' Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Inner City Crime Prevention

    A 6 page proposal to incorporate the efforts of citizens and police to fight crime in a Northeastern drug-infested city. Anti-parole programs, stricter truancy policies, cooperation with homelessness assistance agencies, etc; are among the many ideas explained. The emphasis in this paper is that making arrests is not nearly as important as preventing crime from ever happening. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Minorities, Communities, and Police

    A 5 page paper on minority views of the police as an oppressive force, criminalizing those they are supposed to protect. The writer describes how even the most successful community policing programs sometimes fail to work in African-American neighborhoods where citizens are literally afraid of the police ! Some of the departmental and political reasons for law enforcement's failure to maintain positive relations with minority groups are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Police Effectiveness Issues

    An 11 page research paper on police effectiveness in terms of two examples, domestic violence and community policing . The writer details the changes in each area, with statistics and responses. Pros and cons to each approach are discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Detroit Police Department and Affirmative Action

    A 12 page research paper outlining the results of an affirmative action program implemented in the Detroit police department in the mid-1970s. Stresses that the current successes of affirmative action policies, which are no longer in effect, could be lost without continued vigilance to maintain the current racial composition of the force. One method of doing this is the continued provision of training for both promotional candidates and first-time applicants to the force. Bibliography lists fifteen sources.

  • Equality, Women, and Policing

    A 5 page overview of women in law enforcement. Points out that some women have succeeded in law enforcement careers but almost inevitably they acknowledge the existence of sexual discrimination. Concludes that many times women feel that they have to simply deal with discrimination in order to keep their jobs. Suggests that much more than women's moral is at stake in the issue of sexual discrimination. Recommends methods for improvement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • US Police Forces and Racial Integration

    An 8 page paper discussing the true level of integration—that of attitude—within the nation's police forces. In large cities, the police force is more likely to be organized along racial lines rather than simply being 'blue.' Such is not the case in smaller towns, however, and the populations of all those towns add up. Small-town America appears to have a much more workable grasp on the issue of race, and the combined population is much greater than are the combined populations of the three or four largest of American cities where police-department racism is a greater issue. In sum, the collective police force of the nation taken as a whole can be said to be more 'blue' than any other color. Considering the racial generation gap of public opinion polls, we should be able to expect that blue hue to grow deeper and more discernible in coming years. Bibliography lists 14 sources. KSp-race.doc

  • Excessive Use of Force and Law Enforcement

    An excellent 10 page paper on Police Use of Excessive Force. The writer analyzes how different police departments act towards this problem and how lightly officers are punished -- even when known to have repeatedly used excessive force. The legal definition of Excess Force is provided and analyzed. An illustrative pie chart included demonstrating the outcome of citizen complaints in Los Angeles, California is provided (research is cited). Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • 911 Emergency Response Systems

    A 6 page paper describing the history and progression of 911 emergency response systems and their application today. The author attempts to show the factors that impact the effectiveness of using 911 emergency response systems and addresses a number of complaints about its effectiveness. FREE Outline included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Law Enforcement Work Stress and a Psychological Outlook

    In 12 pages, the author discusses the psychological outlook of stress that police officers have on the job. Free Sample Roman Numeral Sentence Outline is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and the Impact of Stress

    In 5 pages, the author discusses the effects of stress on police officers including alcoholism, domestic violence, suicide and death during duty. Bibliography includes 7 sources.


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