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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
An 8 page paper discussing several nervous system questions regarding the evolution of the central nervous systems of vertebrates and invertebrates; the relationship between a somatic sensory neuron in the hand, the associated alpha motor neuron and the cortical pyramidal cell; and what symptoms would be exhibited were the spinal cord be completely severed at the T2 vertebra. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 3 pages essay that expresses the writer's personal feelings about music. The writer argues that music is a highly complex, abstract language that bypasses the brain and affects the central nervous system directly causing a change in mood. The essay goes on to discuss this emotional component of music and its implications. No sources cited.
This power point presentation includes six slides and two pages of speaker notes on the central nervous system, complete with diagrams. Please contact the company to ensure that the PowerPoint file is sent: MHcennersy.doc Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 4 page discussion of the epidemiology and testing mechanisms which are available for this autosomal recessive genetic mutation. The disease is characterized by severe degeneration of the Central Nervous System, a degeneration which most often manifests prior to the age of three but which can also be characterized by later onset. Testing to identify carriers of this disease is critical. Bibliography lists 4 sources.