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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 6 page research paper which examines the problem of whether or not U.S. drinking water is safe. The writer first defines the problem, and then looks at what is being done at the state and national level to keep the public informed as to the quality of their drinking water, and what possible solutions might be implemented to help control water quality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 5 page paper relates the nature of groundwater studies, including groundwater hydrology and issues of water quality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 4 page paper analyzes the City of Worcester (Massachusetts ) 2004 Water Quality Report. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 4-page paper is a general review of water quality and includes topics such as acidity, alkalinity, hardness and softness as well as water quality standards and distribution. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A 4 page paper exploring the usefulness of the Big Mac Index, how it is used in global financing and how it can be used in managing risks, using the February 2007 edition. Britain's The Economist introduced the Big Mac Index in 1986 as a comparison of the relative value of world currencies from the perspective of unique British humor. The index proved to be highly useful and popular, however, and The Economist has published an updated version every year since its 1986 debut. Bibliography lists 6 sources.