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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 3 page discussion of the fact that most diseases are not determined solely by either genetic makeup or environment. While some diseases truly are determined by either genetics or environment alone, most are determined by a combination of factors. Tay Sachs Disease and Cardiovascular Disease are contrasted to illustrate the differences. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A 4 page discussion of the epidemiology and testing mechanisms which are available for this autosomal recessive genetic mutation. The disease is characterized by severe degeneration of the Central Nervous System, a degeneration which most often manifests prior to the age of three but which can also be characterized by later onset. Testing to identify carriers of this disease is critical. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 3 page student essay offers the opinion that Goldman Sachs acted irresponsibly, but not illegally.
A 6 page essay that briefly summarizes three Canadian novels -- Tay John by Howard O'Hagan, fifth Business by Robertson Davies, and Surfacing by Margaret Atwood. The writer offers a brief plot synopsis and analysis of each novel. No additional sources cited.
An 11 page overview of the impact of disease on world cultures. Correlates the impact on traditional cultures and the way those cultures dealt with that impact with advances in modern medicine. Emphasizes the impact of disease on the Americas and specifically on the Native American inhabitants of the Americas. Describes common European diseases which either directly or indirectly impacted the Americas and our contemporary, verses our traditional, understanding of those diseases and their treatment. Includes a one page Roman numeral outline. Bibliography lists 10 sources.