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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 4 page paper that beings with general comments about change and stress in the workplace. The essay explains some of Selye's thoughts about stress and then discusses what stress is in the workplace and how people can deal with and manage stress. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 9 page research paper that discuss teamwork and stress within the workplace. This examination of literature investigates the nature of stress, that is, how it is defined; and then looks at the relationship between stress and teamwork, drawing on literature that indicates the aspects of teamwork that can increase and decrease the levels of stress in work environments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 14 page paper considers the way in which stress has become a focal point in the workplace and how employers are dealing with the apparent increases in stress levels. The paper looks at how developments have taken place and the role of counselling as a central tool in the systems that have been put in place to develop stress management. Examples are given to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
A 70 page expanded version of a much smaller paper researching the hypothesis that smokers in high-stress jobs tend to smoke more in response to stress than do smokers in jobs with lower stress levels. Though there was no existing research with which to guide the study, it still obtains solid and statistically valid results that unquestioningly prove that a smoker's response to a high-stress job is that of smoking more than usual. Existing literature emphasizes the relationship between stress and depression, and also that between smoking and depression. Biochemical and psychological research has concluded that there is a strong relationship between smoking and clinical depression, though it is unclear which contributes to the other. This survey does not specifically address depression, but it does give valuable insight to the relationship of stress-related smoking and workplace stress. Includes 4 charts and 4 tables. Bibliography lists 72 sources.