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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 6 page paper examining same-sex marriage. The question of same-sex marriage calls to question all manner of complications that can arise from the marriage of individuals of the same sex. The recommendation is that same-sex marriage be allowed, but that same-sex couples' right to marry not eclipse the right of Christian organizations to determine their own course and how they choose to operate. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
A 6 page research paper that discusses public policy on same-sex marriage, which is a divisive public policy issue that continues to divide the nation, as there is no clear consensus on what either federal or state public policy on this issue should be. The following discussion of same-sex marriage draws on current sources in order to ascertain what the state of current public policy on gay and lesbian marriage in regards to courses of action, identification of the major actors and how this relates to "winners" and "losers." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
15 pages in length. Parenting, even under the best circumstances, is a challenging proposition no matter who is undertaking the task. The extent to which children need such aspects as compassion, discipline, love and interaction in order to grow into healthy, well-rounded individuals is both grand and far-reaching; that heterosexual couples claim to be the only pairing from which these characteristics emanate speaks to the blatant disregard for how all human beings - no matter sexual orientation - possess these childrearing traits. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
3 pages in length. The twenty-first century global society does not have enough to focus upon while in the midst of politically upheaval besides something that by all rights should concern no one other than the two people involved. The ever-present debate over same-sex marriage illustrates how contemporary social perspectives are not as progressive as many claim they are, but rather reflect a level of judgment and intolerance akin to witch hunts and slavery. To presume same-sex marriage indicates anything other than the desire of two people to legally demonstrate their love is to redefine love upon the myopic basis of what does or does not exist between one's legs, reflecting a perverse - if not wholly erroneous - connection to constitutional rights that simply cannot be validated. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 11 page paper provides an overview of why same-sex marriage should be illegal in the United States and around the globe. The writer also considers religious and secular reasons as to why homosexuals should not join in holy matrimony. Bibliography lists 6 sources.