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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 7 page paper assessing several points in sales. Sales trainer Thom Hopkins has said that sales is the easiest low-paying job or the hardest high-paying one anyone could ever have. The purpose here is to assess how the sales manager, sales psychology and formal sales training can positively affect outcomes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 5 page paper evaluating alternatives available to Radio Palermo, an Italian manufacturer of short-wave amateur radios that is well accepted in Europe but has poor sales in the US. The company and its US dealers are at an impasse, with Radio Palermo insisting that dealers train their sales people better and dealers retorting that they are unwilling to give Radio Palermo any more attention than their other 150 vendors. The paper recommends developing a training program for dealers and their salespeople. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A 9 page paper. The essay includes a Table of Contents and Executive Summary. The main paper is divided into six sections that provide a background of the company and its mission, sales, employees, discussion of current employees, existing training and career development programs, the company's ranking in turnover and training, training interventions recommended, the cost of training and how it will be evaluated. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
An 8 page paper in which the writer reviews the training techniques, procedures, and overall style of a sales manager observed while teaching a new class of sales reps the 'ins and outs' of cold canvassing. Issues concerning sales pitching, handling common objections & rebuttals from customers, territory selection, and more are covered. The writer is particularly concerned with the way the sales manager appeals to the psychology of his team while offering colorful anecdotes and metaphors to maintain their interest throughout the entire class. The writer also accompanies this group on their first day in 'the field' and outlines their progress and productivity in selling-- under the manager's guidance. No bibliography.