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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
An 8 page paper discussing ethics and accountability in public administration. Ethics and accountability are two principles that "everyone" affected by public administration wants their public administrators to operate by, yet strangely enough both seem to be difficult to define. Operating from the perspective of a good steward of public resources ensures that public administration operates within the understanding of a strong ethical foundation, and that those serving are fully accountable to those trusting their service. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 6 page research paper that discusses public policy on same-sex marriage, which is a divisive public policy issue that continues to divide the nation, as there is no clear consensus on what either federal or state public policy on this issue should be. The following discussion of same-sex marriage draws on current sources in order to ascertain what the state of current public policy on gay and lesbian marriage in regards to courses of action, identification of the major actors and how this relates to "winners" and "losers." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
5 pages in length. In the changing face of law enforcement, officers are more dependent than ever on the cooperation of the public for which they work. No longer able to be "all business," they, too, must employ the principles of good management and good public relations in order to foster partnership relations with the public. The management personnel charged with leading those with the most direct public contact are required to exhibit at least the same level of skill in dealing with those for whom they are responsible. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
In 6 pages, the author compares public administration and private (business) administration. Public administration and private administration share many similarities as well as differences. When one thinks of public administration, the government comes to mind, because it is the largest public administration. When one thinks of private administration, one thinks of a church or some other kind of private organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.