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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 3 page research paper that discusses The Birth of a Nation (1915, directed by D.W. Griffith for Epoch; screenplay by D.W. Griffith, Frank E. Woods and Thomas Dixon), which is a landmark film in cinematic history as it was the first important feature-length film, which had a tremendous impact on the nascent industry, as it changed the demographic makeup of film audiences (The Birth of a Nation, 1995). Up to this time, films were generally considered to be a working-class entertainment, but Birth of a Nation opened cinema to a much wider audience, one that had previously preferred only the legitimate theatre (The Birth of a Nation, 1995). Nevertheless, considering Birth of a Nation is also problematic due to this film’s overt racism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
5 pages in length. Considered by some to be nothing more than a veiled lack of responsibility, partial birth abortions have come to the forefront of controversy. As if abortion, in and of itself, was not a hot enough issue for debate, both the procedure and reasoning behind partial birth abortion are under fire. Women whose fetuses have known birth defects most commonly utilize this highly invasive procedure as a means by which to terminate the late-term pregnancy. After the baby is purposely turned in the breach position, the doctor pulls it down through the birth canal until the only part left inside the mother's body is the head, which legally maintains its fetus status. The brain is then suctioned out and the skull crushed before the body is completely expelled. Indeed, the primary arguments about this particular procedure revolve around the status of personhood, as well as the reasons to even employ such a horrific alternative. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 7 page paper analyzes the theme of premature burial in Poe’s short story Ligeia, as well as discussing how it relates to real-world psychology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
This 8 page paper begins by looking at available methods of birth control and explores insurance plans. It is argued that private insurance should cover birth control. Various issues are explored in this context inclusive of population growth. Bibliography lists 4 sources.