Research Paper On Love And Relationships

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Maturity in the Relatoinship of Romeo and Juliet

    A 5 page essay that focuses on the relationship between Romeo and Juliet and argues that Juliet aids Romeo in maturing and establishing an adult relationship. In portraying this relationship, Shakespeare says a great deal about the nature of romantic love and its ability to mature individuals when love is genuine. This examination of the play, with a particular focus on the "balcony scene," reflects this theme. Over the course of the play, Romeo's love matures from the shallow puppy-love of an adolescent to a love that reflects a profound and intense passion, which signals the reciprocity of an adult relationship. Romeo achieves this level of maturity, at least in part, because of the level-headedness of Juliet, who, from the beginning of the play, displays a maturity beyond her years. The last page of the essay focuses on a review of play as performed by the Actors from the London Stage. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Codependency, Obsessive Love, and Aggression

    A 12 page research paper on obsessive love and codependency. Obsessive love is defined as a social psychology issue and the role of aggression is explored in great detail. The "Fatal Attraction Syndrome" is essentially what this paper attempts to clarify for the reader. The importance of frustration and its relationship to rejection is of importance as well -- The writer concludes that it is only when we begin to realize that we are creating the very problems we hope to be preventing will the whole problem of codependency, and obsessive love disappear. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Codependency, Obsessive Love, and Aggression

    A 12 page research paper on obsessive love and codependency. Obsessive love is defined as a social psychology issue and the role of aggression is explored in great detail. The "Fatal Attraction Syndrome" is essentially what this paper attempts to clarify for the reader. The importance of frustration and its relationship to rejection is of importance as well -- The writer concludes that it is only when we begin to realize that we are creating the very problems we hope to be preventing will the whole problem of codependency, and obsessive love disappear. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Men and Women in the Texts In Love and Trouble and The Color Purple

    A 5 page paper discussing the relationship some of characters experience. In 'The Color Purple' the relationships defined are those of Celie and Mr._____, Andrew and Shug. In the book of short stories, 'In Love and Trouble' the relationships are those of Myrna and Ruel, Myrna and Mordecai. The differences between the males and the females expectations and outlooks in regards to their relationships is detailed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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