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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 10-page paper examines media censorship in Myanmar. Topics include types of media censorship and how the Internet is starting to break through it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 10 page paper that begins with data regarding the ownership of different media and how that results in homogenization of mass media. Other topics include: the purpose and goals of media; the power and influence of the media by exploiting some stories and suppressing others; censorship of the media; how the media impacts American thinking and opinions; external control of the media; and a brief discussion focusing on whether or not certain media should be censored. Examples included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
8 pages in length. The objective of this memo is to demonstrate the relationship between utilitarianism and censorship, if there is indeed one that truly exists. At issue is whether or not utilitarianism has a place in the framework of censorship and if it does, to what extent is this association deemed beneficial or disadvantageous. When assessing these concerns, it is important to consider the fact that utilitarianism represents the belief that what serves the greatest number serves the greater good, rather than what is favorable for a few; similarly, censorship has to do with forbidding people to express themselves in the manner best suited to their needs. With that in mind, one can easily see how censorship and utilitarianism may not have the most harmonious relationship. The writer discusses utilitarianism as it relates to censorship. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
7 pages in length. There were three primary concerns for instituting executive press censorship during Operation Desert Storm: the questionable tactics the media use to purportedly report the truth; the very real chance of classified information reaching enemy hands; and the ever present possibility of reporters getting harmed or even killed while covering the front lines. These issues are significant to the field of communications law, because they represent the sanctity of privacy that is so instrumental in the overall safety of wartime activities. The writer addresses these three issues as they pertain the censorship implementation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
This 10 page paper provides an overview of the literature on censorship in children's literature. Bibliography lists 9 sources.