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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 3 page research paper offers analysis of an article, "Early literacy development: Merging perspectives that influence practice" by Lesley M. Morrow and Susan Dougherty (2011). The writer offers a reaction paper that discusses the content of the article, which describes approaches to early childhood literary, and judges the article to be accurate, well written, insightful and practical. Only the article is cited.
This 10 page paper looks at different aspects of literary development of young children by answering a set of questions all concerning the ideas of different educational theorists that deal with the way literacy skills are developed. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
A 3 page review of a web site that aids with the development of reading readiness skills for preschoolers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A 7 page research paper. In nursing, as with other healthcare professions, it is imperative to the standards of a professionalism that nurses make learning a continuing priority throughout their careers. In order to accomplish this goal, specific literacy skills are required. Nursing personnel should cultivate critical thinking skills, computer literacy, information literacy, and literacy in nursing informatics. This examination of these topics focuses on the available literature. Bibliography lists 8 sources.