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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 6 page paper that discusses celebrity endorsements of various products. Using famous people to endorse or promote a product is not a new concept but it is one that is being seen a large proportion of marketing campaigns. This paper discusses the reasons for using celebrities, the need to match celebrity with product, the need for the celebrity's credibility and what companies can do to protect themselves against potential scandals involving the celebrity endorsing their products. Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
4 pages in length. America's obsession with dieting has reached epidemic proportions to such an extent that the simple endorsement from a celebrity all but guarantees the product's wild success. Learning that a number of famous personalities engage in certain dieting fads is all many people need to hear to encourage them to jump on the bandwagon themselves without fully understanding the risks and failure rate of the given weight loss trend. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 6 page paper examining Robert De Niro and his three 'levels' -- his star persona, actor's persona and as a man in an attempt to explain his career longevity and how his celebrity reflects upon American popular culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This paper discusses the apparel manufacturing giant Nike and how its branding and use of celebrity sports figures has helped it become a popular worldwide brand. In addition, the paper examines how Nike is breaking into the area of golf apparel and equipment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
There are many examples of celebrities endorsing or taking part in marketing for goods or services. From Henry Cooper promoting Brut, to Jamie Oliver promoting Sainsbury’s and Carol Vordeman promoting secured loans the practice is widespread. This 11 page paper looks how and why famous personalities are used in marketing and the benefits along with the dangers. The paper cites numerous examples to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 15 sources.