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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 6 page report discusses the various investment properties, futures, options, and features of silver and the web portal company Yahoo! The world of Internet stocks and investment is often bewildering to the more traditional investment experts, as well as the individual investors. However, attempting to protect investments through a commodity of great 'traditional' value such as silver is not a wise move in the modern marketplace. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
A 4 page paper discussing 3 "green," LEED-certified buildings and proposing research into the practicalities of building green. Businesses are pressured on all sides to operate more efficiently, and research that illuminates the true costs and cost savings of "green" buildings can be valuable to all businesses. In this vein the proposed research will focus on (1) actual costs of either new construction or retrofitting of existing buildings; (2) changes in operational costs resulting from the green focus; and (3) the potential value that organizations can find in social responsibility as a result of their efforts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 9 page research paper on the influence of Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo, Karl Marx and Alfred Marshall on labor value and distribution of income. The writer discusses Marshall's synthesis of earlier theories and ethical points, and closes with a modern 'ideal society' scenario based on his synthesis, which foreshadows a perfect global economy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
This 6 page laboratory study considers the multi-step synthesis process in the creation of benzilic acid. The project proposes the use of benzaldehyde and potassium cyanide and the focus on the varied steps in order to synthesize benzilic acid. This study reviews the procedures, outlines the findings relative to this process, and produces some data regarding the process in order to show the impacts of each step in the process. The multi-step synthesis approach and the use of specific agents are central to the views created in this study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 16 page paper examines the concept of the green supply chain; managing the supply chain in a sustainable or environmentally friendly manner. The paper starts by examining what a green supply chain is and how it may be defined and put into practice and the considers additional issues such as the potential benefits, costs, the key factors for implementation and then considers examples of firms that hover elements of a green supply chain in the UAE. The bibliography cites 18 sources.