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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 4 page paper. IFRS 13 Fair Value Measure becomes effective January 2013. Managers have the option of using this standard prior to that time, though. This paper explains what IFRS 13 is and how it was developed. The essay provides examples of differences between IFRS and GAAP. The writer comments on how this might affect Pfizer. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
It has often been stated that the courts have traditionally interfered too much in the field of company law. This 9 page paper considers whether or not The Companies Act 2006 reduce the need for court intervention by providing a coherent and comprehensive statutory code. This is discussed using two areas of the new act as the discussion point; duty of directors and environmental reporting. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
A 12 page business plan, the sections of which include: Executive Summary, company description, services plan, marketing plan, management plan and financial plan. Financials include breakeven analysis, 6-month cash flow and a balance sheet. The realty company has an arrangement with Bal Harbor complex to maintain offices on site, offer sales of Bal Harbor units and act as property manager for short-term vacation rentals. The company will be located on north Miami Beach Island within the Bal Harbor complex, a high-end condominium complex attractive to vacationing families of means, recent retirees and western European tourists (primarily from Germany).
Brown v. Board of Education passed into law in 1954, Miranda v. Arizona in 1966, and the Warren court has been out of existence for decades. New laws passed in the U.S. include all kinds of dictatorial aspects including the issue of Homeland Security where the Privacy Act has usurped all rights to an individual’s privacy. This is similar to reasoning behind the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which requires public corporations to keep an electronic copy of every type of correspondence ever passing in or out of a company (including email and post it notes) so that a companies records are complete in case the company investigated by the Federal government. As this shows, statutory controls have gotten out of hand, not the least of which includes an ancient criminal justice system. 4 works cited. jvStatut.rtf
A 6 page paper. Total Quality Management (TQM) has become controversial due to companies saying it really did not result in great improvement. Researchers have found that these companies are doing more talking than acting when it comes to implementing the processes of TQM. This paper discusses the reasons for failure and how the process has been shown to be successful in numerous ways. Bibliography lists 6 sources.