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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
4 pages in length. The basic composition of carbenes is such that as electron deficient molecular species, their uncharged state plays an integral role in containing a sextet of electrons that surround a divalent carbon atom. By comparison, nitrenes - uncharged electron deficient molecular species as well - harbor a sextet of electrons that surround a monovalent nitrogen atom. Single state is presented as electrophilic character, trigonal planar geometry, while triple state is diradical-like in nature, linear geometry (Wieder, no date). For nitrene insertion to occur, chiral alkane concentration is separate from observed rotation. Triplet nitrene is formed in greater measure when chiral alkane concentration is under one-hundred percent; this occurs, however, to the detriment of initially produced singlet nitrene. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 5 page report is actually two essays with the first half dealing with the hierarchy of the universe beginning with the atom and through the super clusters of galaxies. The second essay examines the question of whether or not humanity would collectively behave differently if people understood the infinite nature of the realm in which they exist. No bibliography is included.
This 15 page paper is an outline risk management document for the launch of a new product; a device that will allow card payments to be taken connecting to mobile devices such as a smartphone of laptop. The company, product and outline plan are assessed and the risk management requirements are discussed with reference to the ATOM process. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
A 5 page paper that reports Einstein's first three papers that led to a new perception of the universe, from evidence for the existence of molecules and atoms to his general theory of relativity that led to a new understanding of the universe, including space, time, motion and gravity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 5 page paper gives a general overview of the nuclear program in Iran. The paper starts by looking at the history and the development of the program, including the help from the US under the Atoms for Peace program. The paper considers the development and difficulties faced by the program and bring the events up to date to the position in 2007. The bibliography cites 8 sources.