• Recent Papers


      Provides an overview of a proposed paper centering around how blockchain technology can be used in the financial and banking industry. There are 5 sources listed in the bibliography of this 5-page paper. ... MORE

    • Criminal Sexual-type Conduct Data

      There have been a number of laws passed and numerous court cases regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. These span more than four decades and yet, it does not seem that the incidence of sexual harassment has been reduced. Statistical data are reported from an older Federal Government Report, a military academies report, and a general public report. The incidence of harassment at each military academy is reported for women and men along with the reasons they seldom report these crimes. The physical and emotional effects of experiencing this type of crime are discussed. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Marketing Research Proposal To Identify the Features of Effective Social Networking Media Messages

      Social media is playing an increasingly important role in firms marketing strategies. This paper presents a research proposal designed to assess which types of messages on social media are most likely to help stimulate positive consumer responses. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography of this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Pro-Choice Argument

      This essay offers an argument that supports the pro-choice position in the abortion debate. The stance of the opposing pro-life position is also described and their arguments are refuted. Five pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Sex Trafficking, An Overview

      This research paper pertains to sex trafficking. This overview defines the issue, describes trafficker tactics, and describes the crime's prevalence, with special emphasis on the US and Nepal. Six pages in length, six sources are listed. ... MORE

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