• Recent Papers

    • Cultural and Political Influences on Human Development

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of human development. This paper includes how cultural values and practices, public policies, and political and economic conditions affect human development. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Teenage Pregnant Risk Factors

      This research paper pertains to the risk factors that are associated with the pregnancy rate for teenage girls. Three pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Cycle Time Throughput Time Hospital

      The focus of this paper is colonoscopy procedures at a clinic. This essay discussed cycle time and throughput time, the percent value added to the colonoscopy process, and if the colonoscopy department could really meet the needs. Recommendations include identifying non-value added, unnecessary processes and eliminating them. This will reduce costs, which is the same thing as generating revenue. There are four sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Sex Trafficking, An Overview

      This research paper pertains to sex trafficking. This overview defines the issue, describes trafficker tactics, and describes the crime's prevalence, with special emphasis on the US and Nepal. Six pages in length, six sources are listed. ... MORE

    • Israel-Palestine Conflict, An Overview

      This essay presents both sides of Israel-Palestine conflict and possible solutions. Seven pages in length, which includes roughly two pages for annotated bibliography, five sources are cited. ... MORE

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