• Recent Papers

    • Poverty's Effects

      This research paper addresses poverty's effects on educational outcomes. The writer discusses issues pertaining to education and special education, the social and emotional status of families, and the impact of teacher expectations. Five pages in length, which includes an abstract, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Research on Advertising Concepts

      In a paper of three pages, the author evaluates two research articles that pertain to specific areas of marketing research. This researcher evaluated these articles in terms of the theoretical foundation, the framework, objectives, research model and results. This research identified the connection between these two articles on price advertising and corporate social responsibility to compare different views of the theories presented. There are two sources utilized. ... MORE

    • Current Fashions in Risk Management

      Risk management takes place organizations with the use of different tools and approaches. This six page paper looks at three approaches which have become popular over the last few years. Firstly the concept of enterprise risk management is defined and examined. Secondly, the role of culture in risk management is discussed. Lastly, the utilization of strategic partnerships to reduce risk, and the use of increased collaboration in partnerships to reduce exposure to risk. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography. ... MORE

    • Secret Life of Bees from a Social Work Perspective

      This paper pertains to Lily, the main character is the film "The Secret Life of Bees." The writer discusses the film from a social work perspective, offering a biopsychosocial assessment and the goals for therapy. Eight pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

    • Perspectives of Jesus

      The four Gospels in the Holy Bible offer a slightly different perspective of Jesus Christ, what he was like. This essay explains the portrait of Christ according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It also identifies the different titles for Christ found in John 1. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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