• Recent Papers

    • Public School vs Private School

      This 7 page paper gives an example paper about the differences between private and public schools. This paper includes the ways in which public schools are better than private schools. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ... MORE

    • The Health Promotion Model of Pender

      In a paper of eight pages, the author identifies the major points of Nola Pender's health promotion model. This model is designed to address methods of applying the model to behaviors that impact general health. The author identifies Pender's major elements and then applies the health promotion model to a case study. Bibliography lists six sources. ... MORE

    • Social Networks and Tourism

      In a paper of five pages, the author reflects on word of mouth and e-word of mouth (eWOM) as they influence consumer behaviors. The current literature reflects the importance of social networking and eWOM as major sources of communication with the tourism consumer base. User-driven content can influence opinions and drive consumer behaviors, but both positive and negative messages can occur in the same forum. Subsequently, companies must recognize the impacts of the varied messages that may appear in user-driven social media, as well as the way it can influence different consumers. The research provides an interesting perspective on the challenges and application of eWOM. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ... MORE

    • Bird Flu, an Overview

      This research paper presents an over all view of avian influenza A viruses (bird flu), describing the nature of the illness, signs and symptoms, existing vaccines and other topics. Five page in length, three sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Housing Availability for Older People

      There is not enough affordable housing for independently living senior or for seniors who need some assistance. The federal recommended ratio for income versus housing costs is 30 percent but many seniors are spending more than half their income on housing. This essay reports the data regarding the soaring population of Americans 65 and older and the amount they are spending on housing costs. The paper leads up to strategies for developing a policy to deal with this need. The GAP analysis phases are used. There are seven sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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